Company D

Company D



John H. Barnett	        Boscobel	9/8/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

First Lieutenant						
Fletcher S. Kidd	Lancaster	9/8/64	A.A.A.G.,from Sept.26,1864
						to June 20, 1865
						M.O. June 20, 1865

Second Lieutenant						
Andrew Jackson		Menasha		7/29/64	From Co. D, 21st Wisc. Inf
						M.O. June 20, 1865

Enlisted Men						

Adams, Peter		Potosi		8/17/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Altizer, Eli J		Waterstown	8/9/64	Corp. M.O. June 20, 1865
Askland, Targe T.	Ridgeway	9/1/64	Corp. M.O. June 20, 1865
Austin, Franklin	Millville	8/9/64	Corp. M.O. June 11, 1865

Babcock, Ellery		Millvillle	8/26/64	Disch. May 11 1865
Beck, Samuel		Lancaster	8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Bodenner, Henry		Ellenboro	8/22/64	Vet. Vol.; Corp, Sergt.;
						M.O. June 20, 1865
Brown, John H.		Marion		8/15/64		M.O. June 20, 1865
Brown, George		Millvillle	8/27/64		Corp. M.O. May 29, 1865

Calvert, Robert		Glen Haven	8/20/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Crabtree, John G.	Lancaster	8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Craven, Bunk		Boscobel	8/29/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Crow, Jesse C.		Potosi		8/22/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Dixon, John		Ellenboro	8/19/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Dodds, James J.		Millvillle	8/27/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Eckart, Henry		Green Bay	8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Evans, Charles		Millville	8/24/64	Corp. Sergt.;M.O. June 20, 1865

Foster, Richard H.      Millville       8/23/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Folyer, Andrew		Fennimore	9/5/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Geer, Ambrose W.	Fennimore	8/24/64	M.O. June 11, 1865
Gennett, Jefferson	De Pere		9/3/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Gennett, Frank		De Pere		9/3/64	Disch. Dec.30, 1864
Gillett, George		Fennimore	8/16/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Hackett, Edward A.	Millville	8/24/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Hal, William		Springvale	9/2/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Halverson, Halver	Sugar Creek	8/23/64	Disch. June 5, 1865
Harmon, George W.	Millville	8/26/64	Corp.;M.O. June 20, 1865
Harrison, William N.	Millville	8/18/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Harrower, Robert	Millville	8/4/64	Sergt.;M.O. June 20, 1865
Head,Nathaniel		Waterstown	8/17/64	Died, Feb.7, 1865
						Cairo, ILL..... disease.
Hurst, John		Union		8/24/64	Corp.;M.O. June 20, 1865

Jackson, Albin		Fennimore	8/25/64	Corp.;M.O. June 20, 1865
Jewell, Horace		Fennimore	8/24/64	Died Feb 7,1865
Johnson, Ole O		Fennimore	9/9/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Keys, Sylvester		Millville	8/8/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Kidd, Joseph		Glen Haven	8/20/86	Sergt.;M.O. June 20, 1865
Kidd, Richard		Glen Haven	8/20/86	Corp.;M.O. June 20, 1865
Kidd, William E.	Glen Haven	8/20/86	M.O. June 20, 1865

Lance, George A.	Fennimore	9/25/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Landon, Henry I		Ellenboro	8/22/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Martin, Ove		Wingville	8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Mayo, William		Marion		8/15/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
McCluskey, William	Cassville	2/17/65	M.O. June 20, 1865
Metcalf, William S.	Glen Haven	8/29/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Metcalf, Thomas H.	Smelser		9/6/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Mills, John		Richmond	8/31/64	Disch. June 5,1865
Moody, Nelson B.	Boscobel	8/27/64	1st Sergt.; M.O. June 20, 1865
Morden, David		Millville	8/24/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Muhler, Henry		Lancaster	8/4/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Mumford, James B.	Marion		8/27/64	Vet. Vol.; Sergt.;
						M.O. June 20, 1865

Neely, Samuel		Millville	8/4/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Oleson, Jacob		Sugar Creek	8/23/64	M.O. May 29, 1865
Oleson, Thomas		Blue River	8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Oleson, Ole C.		Fairwater	9/7/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Parland, Thomas		Millville	8/8/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Patton, Lewis		Ellenboro	8/29/64	M.O. May 29, 1865
Pearson, John		Millville	8/24/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Pegg, Richard		Ellenboro	8/25/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Phillips, Ira		Millville	8/9/64	Disch. June 11, 1865

Renshaw, Andrew J.	Hickery Grove	8/29/64	Corp.;M.O. June 20, 1865
Richison, George W.	Marion		8/15/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Richison, Jacob O.	Marion		8/30/64	Died Sept 16, 1864
						Madison, Wis.
Richmond, Orsen R.	Fennimore	8/24/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Roddick, Fernando	Ellenboro	8/22/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Ross, Albert		Lancaster	8/25/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Russell, Coryden	Millville	8/18/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Schmidt, Conrad		Lancaster	8/23/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Shepherd, John N	Lancaster	8/25/64	Died, Mar.28,1865
						Cairo, ILL...disease
Smith, John R.		Fennimore	8/30/64	Corp.;M.O. June 20, 1865
Spargo, Henry		Ellenboro	8/22/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Stimpson, Charles	Millville	8/30/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Stone, George		Fennimore	9/5/64	Died May 3,1865,
						Cairo, ILL...disease
Sylvester, William M.	Blue River		9/1/64		Sergt.;M.O. June 20, 1865

Targeson, Targe		Blue River	9/1/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Thompson,Thomas A	Marion		8/23/64	Died Mar.11,1865
						Cairo, ILL...disease
Thompson, Thomas	Milton		8/24/64	Deserted Dec.1,1864
Thompson, Neils		Blue River	9/1/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Walker, Charles R.	Blue River	9/2/64	M.O. May 29, 1865
Walters, John		Fennimore	8/27/64	Corp,;M.O. June 20, 1865
Wamsley, Jeremiah	Glen Haven	8/5/64	Died Mar. 9, 1865
						Cairo, ILL...disease
Wamsley, Charles	Cassvile	2/11/65	M.O. June 20, 1865
Watrus, Lyman M.	Marion		8/18/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Wauban, Battice		Pra. du Chien	9/1/64	M.O. June 20, 1865
Woolstenholm, Jacob	Liberty		8/31/64	M.O. June 20, 1865

Capt. John H. Barnett

2nd Lt. Andrew Jackson

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