The Lt. Robert Steele Letters

The Lt. Robert Steele Letters

Background of Lt. Robert Steele

Here is a brief description of Lt. R. Steel


Farmer, P. 0. Lodi; son of Mr. James Steele, who came with his family to Wisconsin from the State of New York in June, 1848, and settled in the town of Dane.

Mr.Robert Steele was born in Delaware Co., N. Y., Nov. 18, 1832. His first wife was Rhoda Ann Bower, born in Orange Co., N. Y.; she died Feb. 2, 1864. His present wife was Mary Hanley, born in the State of New York. Mr. Steele has four children by his first marriage-John (lives in Dakota), Josephine (now Mrs. William Bitney), Robert B. (born April 1 9, 1860, is a teacher by profession, now engaged a Census Enumerator for the town of Dane) and William W. (resides with his grandfather Steele). Has two children by his present marriage-Mary. C. and James Eddy.

Mr. Steele,enlisted in the army in August,1862. He was mustered in the 23d Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry and was mustered into the U. S. service as 2d Lieutenant of Co. H; was promoted to 1st Lieutenant in January, 1863; he was in Sherman's Vicksburg campaign at the battle of Arkansas Post, bombardment of Grand Gulf, and Grant's siege of Vicksburg; came home on furlough in August, 1863; re-joined his regiment at Brasieur City, La.; he was in all the campaigns , and engagements in which the 23d took part up to about the time of his resignation,- from sickness in June, 1864; in the fall of 1864, with Capt.G.H.Humphrey, he raised a company of volunteers, which joined the 42d Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Mr. Steele being 1st Lieutenant of Company C; they were assigned to the post of Cairo, he served till the close of the war.

Mr. Steele's farm contains 240 acres.

Cairo, Illinois, September 28th, 1864

Cairo, Illinois, January 23rd, 1865

Cairo, Illinois May 21st, 1865

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