Cairo, Illinois
Cairo, Ill. Sept.28th,1864
Brothers Washington
Having time tonight I will write you a line just to let you know how I did. Well I am well and snugly seated in my little room, cozy as you can imagine.
We have had some rain which has made it a little disagreeable out on the streets of the Egyptian City, but what of that so long as Uncle Sams boys are all right.
We have a good time Plenty to eat and plenty to do, this is the way I like to soldier it. And so long as there has to be troops at this place I think we have a good a right to a good thing as any one has.
I saw Knappin today on his way home he said E C Riddle was dead, he died of smallpox at New Orleans.
Elder A H Walter called on me today, he is on his way to his Regt, the 20th.
Capt. Humphrey is Ordinance officer and Inspector General of this Post. He is a gay fellow, a good Officer and just the fellow to drive dull care away and just the right kind of a man for the army.
I have not heard from Wisconsin since I left only that the draft was nearly completed and two new regiments was organizing at Camp Randall.
I would like to fine from home soon to know how you are getting along. I am boarding at a private house for $5.00 per week.
It is roll call and I will close for this time hoping soon to hear from you so drop me a line as soon as you get this.
Yours respectfully
Robert Steele