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Seven easy steps to using this Enquiry Form

Booking Your Services With Wiseguides


To Request a quote for Wiseguides services, please complete this form.

1. Your details: (required)

Company / Group name: (required)
Telephone: (required)
Fax: (required)
E-mail & URL: (required)

2. Details of people travelling:

Principal name:
Number of clients:
 Nationality of clients:
Language to be spoken by the guide:

If "Other": 

 Type of vehicle:  
  Any special interests, or other requirements to be considered?  

3. Tour details:

Complete this section for a half-day city tour or full day tours;
or go straight to the Extended Tour section (below) if you have something longer in mind.

  Date of city sightseeing tour:  day/month/year
 Starting point:  
  Proposed itinerary:  
  Start time:  
 Duration of tour:  

For an extended tour:

(If you have already completed the previous section for a half day, full day or evening tour, leave this section blank.)

Date for tour to begin: day/month/year
Starting point:
Date for tour to finish: day/month/year
 Finishing point
Proposed Itinerary:


Please ensure you completed all sections.
Our full terms and conditions accompany each proposal sent to enquirers,
whether by post, e-mail or fax.

Please ensure your e-mail address is given correctly, or better still,
take a few moments to join our mailing list from the Listbot hotlink on our homepage.

For Entertainment enquiries, please use the red e-mail link below, stating the date,
venue, and type of entertainment you are looking for. We will contact you within 24 hours with
prices and a full description of our plans for making your event an unforgettable success.

Copyright 1998-2006 Wiseguides

You can also mail our Operations Dept directly at

Thanks for your enquiry - we'll be in contact soon!

We're Euro-friendly!

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