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To book your Interpreter Call, please complete this form.

1. Your details:

Your Name :
Company Name :
Address :
Telephone :
Fax :
E-Mail & URL:

2. Your Correspondent :

Principal name:
Client Telephone Number:
Subject Matter:
Special Requests:
Preferred Call Date:
Preferred Call Time:
Language to be spoken by the interpreter :

If "Other": 

 Preferred call time :  
  Any specialist material?  

3. Call details:

Complete this section for a formal call or initial contact; or go straight to the Secondary Conversation section (below) if you have something less formal in mind.

  Date of Formal Call :  day/month/year
 Name of Correspondent :  
  Position :  
  Call Start Time:  
 Expected Duration of Call:  

For Secondary Conversation (less formal):

(If you have already completed the previous section for a formal call, leave this section blank.)

Date for Secondary Conversation to begin: day/month/year
Starting Time:


Please ensure you completed all sections.

Our full terms and conditions for call set-up and per minute pricing accompany each proposal
sent to enquirers, whether by post, e-mail or fax.

Please ensure your e-mail address is given correctly, or better still,
take a few moments to join our mailing list from the Listbot hotlink on our homepage.

Copyright 1999-2005 Wiseguides

We'll be in contact soon!

A few notes about interpreting :

Interpreting is the process of transferring the meaning of the spoken word, into another language, as the spoken word.

There are several techniques commonly used. These are useful in different situations :

CONSECUTIVE INTERPRETING is what happens when the interpreter listens and takes notes and then relays the meaning, when the speaker has finished.

SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETING is the technique used when the interpreter is listening and speaking at the same time. Most people think of this as a technique that is generally used at international conferences, when the interpreters are sitting in soundproof booths, with microphones, and the listeners are in the auditorium listening on headphones.

CONFERENCE INTERPRETING involves the interpreter in listening in their foreign language, and speaking their mother tongue.

Both CONSECUTIVE and SIMULTANEOUS techniques are used in our TELEPHONE INTERPRETING SERVICE. On these occasions the interpreter must listen and speak in both languages. This is because the two people who need to talk to each other - for example, a football club manager and a future player's overseas agent - are on either end of a telephone connection, holding a private conversation. If the interpreter thinks that a simultaneous technique will be beneficial, he or she will speak the message to the listener, at the same time as he or she hears it from the speaker. This is called "chuchotage", which is French for whispering.

AD HOC or LIAISON INTERPRETING is the method normally used in commerce and industry, when one
interpreter is working in and out of both languages, using the consecutive technique, for two
groups of people. To book this type of interpreting, please call our office to discuss the project.

We're Euro-friendly!