Misfit Dislocations at TiAl/Ti3Al-Phase Boundaries
These papers describe the arragement of misfit dislocations at the TiAl/Ti3Al phase boundaries which appear in lamellar microstructure. The Burgers vector and also the line vector was analyzed for four different alloys with different content of Si and Cr.
The most ductile alloy had screw dislocations at the interface. The density of the dislocations is much higher than necessary to compensate the misfit between both phases.
The occurence of screw dislocations can be explained by theoretical considerations and is a nice example of the special interface structure occuring at interfaces between hexagonal lattices in basal plane orientation and [111] planes of tetragonal (pseudocubic) lattices.
Wilfried Wunderlich, Georg Frommeyer, Peter
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Arrangement of Misfit Dislocations at TiAl/Ti3Al-Phase
Mat. Sci. Eng. A164 (1993) 421-427
Wilfried Wunderlich, Thomas Kremser, Georg Frommeyer,
Mobile Dislocations at Phase Boundaries in Intermetallic
Acta Metall. Mater., Vol. 41, No. 6 (1993) 1791-1799
Georg Frommeyer, Wilfried Wunderlich,
Thomas Kremser, Z.G. Liu,
Strength Properties and Enhanced Plasticity of Intermetallic
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Wilfried Wunderlich, Fuyung Hsu,
Structure of TiAl/Ti3Al-Interfaces, (HRTEM-image)
Proc. Int. Conf. Electron Microscopy ICEM 13, Paris 1994, 197-198
Wilfried Wunderlich, Thomas Kremser, Georg
Enhanced Plasticity by Deformation Twinning of TiAl-Base Alloys
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