YAWC: The Basement

Of course; there are rules you must follow! Every club must have rules! There wouldn't be clubs without rules! But don't worry; there are very few rules, and the rules we do have are very simple, and are easy to follow. :-]

The YAWC mailing list rules:

  1. You must (*) out cuss words. If you don't know where to put the *'s, E-Mail Me and I'll help you out.

  2. You must not send in any stories/poems that are sexist, racist, rude, or offensive to others.

  3. You *must* not send chain leters, strings, or scrollies to the mailing list.

  4. You must not use the mailing list to advertise your web site - you may, however, have an advertisement of your web-page in your signature.

  5. You must not send in your comments/compliments about someone's writings to the list. You must do that privately; off list.

  6. You must not send in anything to the mailing list that isn't one of your writings. As much as we'd like to hear about your fabulous weekend in New Mexico, we don't want to hear about it on list. ;-)

The club rules:
  1. You must be between the ages of 5-18 to join.

  2. You must confirm the subscription to the coollist YAWC Update List (you are automatically added to the list when you join; you just need to confirm it).

  3. When you sign up for the club, you must complete all of the entry fields with (*) next to them.

  4. You must like to write.

  5. You must participate in (at least) some of the club activities.

  6. You must reply to sign-ins.

  7. You must be respectful to other members.

  8. You must be polite to all of the members and officers.

  9. You must have FUN!

  10. You must follow all the rules. :-)

Email: kristy_m_hanson@hotmail.com