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My LiNkS

mY fAvOrItE LiNkS

Blake's Homepage! Go there!!
My Big Brother Per's homepage! One of the coolest around!
Hockey Chat
Mike's Homepage
My Friend Blake Criswell's homepage!
My awesome friend Crystals homepage!
Bryan's hockey league
Cnidae's Homepage
Gwen's page!
My Big Sis, Julie's page! Lotsa really cool stuff there!
Russian Freak Boy's Homepage
Bryan's e-mail srestling League! Very cool!

OK, HERE ARE SOME MORE LINKS TO OTHER PLACES: My Friend WhitePanthers page! Really cool!!

My Friend MindCrashes Page! Really funky!

Alodi's homepage

My good Friend SemiGod's page!

Ok, well..that's all the links I have for now..I've probably fogotten some, and if I have forgotten a friends page, please e-mail me and let me know, and I'll add it!
