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Chapter Twenty Eight

After Breyana got offline with Kyle, she found herself bored once again. The only thing left to do was to clean. AJ wasn't exactly the neatest person in the world so she decided to take it upon herself to clean his office. When she walked in she couldn't believe the mess she saw. Papers were scattered all over his desk and the garbage was overflowing on to the floor. She knew she found something to do that would occupy her time the rest of the night. Since she was the only one home she decided to crank the stereo and get to work. As she was cleaning she came across the journal that she got AJ for their one year anniversary. She contemplated reading what he had wrote in it but didn't want to intrude on his privacy. Breyana felt that in a way it would be like trying to read someone's diary. Breyana never knew the music business consisted of so much paperwork. She found all kinds of stuff on AJ's desk from songs that people write for them to a part in a movie. She chuckled when she came across the movie script. AJ couldn't keep a straight face for anything, how could he act. Breyana thought to herself.

Meanwhile, AJ made his way back to his room completely agitated by what just happened to him with Amanda. He knew that he had to call Breyana and warn her about the press. As he stepped off the elevator he bumped into Nick. "Whoa, slow down bone." Nick said to AJ. "Dude, move, I have to call Breyana." AJ shot back. "Why?" Nick questioned. "Well, I was walking Amanda to her car and a photographer snapped a picture of us holding hands...Not good man, not good." AJ explained. "Yeah, you're right, that's not good. Maybe you'll learn from this." Nick chimed in. "Whatever" AJ said in return knowing what Nick said was right. As AJ entered his room he raced for the phone. He dialed the phone number and waited for Breyana to pick up the phone. "Come on...answer...Where the heck are you B?" AJ said to himself as he waited for her to answer the phone. "What the heck is going on....I know she should be home....". AJ was getting increasingly frustrated with the sound of the never-ending ring in his ear. Little did AJ know that Breyana was too busy dancing around to incredibly loud music and cleaning. Just as he was about to give up he remembered earlier in the evening when they were online together. He went to Kevin's room to get the laptop hoping Breyana would be online.

Breyana turned down the stereo momentarily thinking she heard the phone ringing but when she picked it up she heard nothing but the dial tone. "I could of swore the phone was ringing" she said to herself. "Oh well." She went on to say as she continued to clean. As Breyana finished up in AJ's office she noticed a crumpled piece of paper in the far corner of the room. She picked it up and uncrumpled it to find herself reading a poem that AJ had written the night before he left. AJ had a habit of putting the date and time on everything he wrote. Breyana noticed the time on the poem was 3:45 in the morning. She knew AJ stayed up late the night before he left but she thought he was getting ready for his trip not to mention avoiding her due to the problems that recently erupted in their relationship.


I miss you in the morning Breyana
When all the world is new;
I know the day can bring no joy
Because it brings not you.
I miss the well-loved voice of you,
Your tender smile for me,
The charm of you, the joy of your
Unfailing sympathy.

The world is full of people, it's true,
But there is only one of you.

I miss you in the afternoon Breyana,
The crowded city street
Seems but a desert now, I walk
In solitude complete.
I miss your hand beside my own
The light touch of your hand,
The quick gleam in the eyes of you
So sure to understand.

The world is full of people, it's true,
But there is only one of you.

I miss you in the evening, Breyana,
When the daylight fades away;
I miss the sheltering arms of you
To rest me from the day,
I miss the haven that in your heart lies,
After all the strife is done,
I miss the shine of your heavenly eyes,
After the day's great sun.

The world is full of people, it's true
But there is only one of you.

Breyana could do nothing but cry as she read what AJ wrote. At that moment she new the grudge she had been holding against him was foolish. She felt incredibly guilty for the way she had been treating him not to mention insinuating that the whole Kyle thing was AJ's fault. She decided at that moment to put the past 2 weeks behind her and apologize to AJ for her actions toward him. Now she really missed him. She felt awful that she didn't say a proper good bye to him before he left. She felt lonely and sad and AJ wasn't there for her to apologize to. Just then she remembered the journal that AJ had gotten for them to write to each other in. She went to the bedroom and started writing. What she had to write was very simply stated. It wasn't long by any means just a few lines. Breyana knew that if AJ read it he would completely understand what she meant by it.

Alex~ I don't have much to write but here it goes.....

Sadness is beautiful,
Loneliness is tragical,
So help me,
I can't win this war.

I guess I'm writing this because I want to apologize for the way I've been acting toward you lately. Just know that I "MISS YOU" and I can't wait until you get home. Love, B

After Breyana was done writing in the journal she didn't feel any better. She needed to talk to AJ. She tried to call his room but the line was busy. Little did she know that AJ was online waiting for her. After trying a couple more times she decided to tear the page out of the journal and fax it to him at his hotel. Breyana's mom always told her to never go to bed mad with the one you love because the time you have with them is precious. That way she hoped AJ would get it before the day had ended.