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Steve Austin's Race in Space

Review information learned during space unit with this fun board game.

To Make:

Using a blue file folder, I glued a ready made gameboard that I found on the back of, I think, a cereal box. Steve Austin, the Six Million Dollar Man, had always been a favorite of my oldest son, Daniel. I used another part of the box for the front of the file folder. I do not always decorate the front of my file folder games. However, this was available and ready to use.


There are two sets of cards needed for this game.


The skill cards are question cards using information we learned during our study of the planets. I made an answer key, which I placed in a plastic sleeve.


These cards record a player's progress during the game. The object is to be the first player to get each planet on your card punched. In order to do this you must answer a skill question while on the planet space on the board. I printed these on several different colors, so players could each have a color of their own, maybe that matches their game piece.

To Play:

The question cards are shuffled and placed near the game board. Players may shake a die to see who plays first.
In turn, a player draws a question and gives his answer. If he is correct, he may punch his card (as all players start on EARTH) and move his game piece in any direction that number of spaces. To punch our cards we use a hole punch. The children always enjoyed being in charge of the punch.

NOTE: To check answers, notice that there is a small number in the lower right-hand corner of the question cards. This number refers to the number of the answer on the Answer Key.

We enjoy playing with slightly different rules sometimes. One time we will play that the first person to get his entire card punched is the winner. Another time we will play that the player must make it back to EARTH by exact count in order to be declared the winner. Sometimes we play that once a player has filled his card, he may help other players fill their cards. Whatever the rules, I hope you enjoy the game.

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