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Layman Family Reunion


Saturday: July 10th, 1999, Millwood, Kentucky

The Laymans and allied families met at the Millwood Community Center beginning at 9:00 a.m. The weather was almost perfect after several days of very hot and humid conditions. The community center was an excellent choice for its facilities.

A sign-in sheet was available as families arrived along with name tags. But alas, some folks did not sign in.

At 10:00 a.m. Clarence Daugherty called everyone to attention and welcomed everyone. He turned the program over to Jim Layman who talked about the Layman genealogy which his wife, Tootie, has worked on for over 10 years and has approximately 13 volumes of family information, photos, and other various forms of documentation. Tootie has been in touch with a publisher and intends to start publishing in early 2000. She hopes to publish volume I along with a comprehensive index to all volumes. This way no one would have to purchase all volumes to find their family.

Jim also stated that we do not always have to hold the family reunion in Kentucky. But might consider other states where a lot of the Kentucky Laymans settled such as Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, or Texas. Let us know what you think and how often you wish to meet.

Jim turned the program over to his wife, Tootie, who fielded questions on genealogy and resources. Tootie then asked for all present to stand up and identify themselves and family members, where they were from and to whom they were related to, and give a brief dissertation on why they became interested in their families history.

A break was called and families began meeting with others, swapping stories, sharing photos, and examined Tootie’s genealogy volumes that were laid out on the tables.

Jim Layman’s niece Becky Layman was on hand answering questions and assisting everyone interested on what volume their family was listed in, along with making additions or corrections to some of the already printed material.

About 12:00 noon a great lunch was served by Clarence and Donna Daugherty along with their son-in-law and daughter. Rev. Al Davis from Georgia said grace. Prior to lunch a count was informally taken and 71 people were present.

The rest of the day, families went together in a caravan or separately to cemeteries around the area and some stayed at the community center doing genealogy and visiting with others.

At around 7:00 p.m. everyone left the community center to return to their homes or motels.



Sunday: July 11th, 1999

Another beautiful weather day. Families started arriving around 9:00 a.m.

Many families brought photo albums to the reunion and Jim Layman scanned in photos for Tootie’s "Layman Genealogy". Some of the families who had photos scanned were: Ed Layman, Louisville, KY; Gene Layman, Simpsonville, KY; Marjorie Williamson, Louisville, KY; Mable Broadrick, Bowling Green, KY; Janice Huter, WV; the Bennett twins of Indiana, the sons of Hettie B. Layman.

Several families arrived on Sunday who were not present on Saturday making the reunion a great success.

At noon Clarence and Donna Daugherty, along with their daughter, Ethel Steger and son-in-law Shannon Steger served another great lunch with Rev. Al Davis saying grace.

After lunch families began to leave who lived out of state. The activities were all over at approximately 3:00 p.m. There were 41 families represented at the reunion according to the sign-in sheet, however, and unfortunately, not all who attended, signed in so it’s impossible to thank everyone for being a part of our gathering.

Thank you all for attending and making the 1999 family reunion a great success!


Anyone interested in continuing a family newsletter? I’m willing to do the work and mail it out.


What do we want in it? How often? We could have queries, research ideas, list new finds, etc.


With many of our Kentucky resource materials available, I hope that some of you had a chance to tie up some loose ends or at least fill in a blank or two.

However, if any of you didn’t have a chance to view everything you wanted, please let me know and I’d be glad to do what I can for you or send you whatever you need.

In case you’re interested, many of my materials are ordered from:

McDowell Publications

11129 Pleasant Ridge Road

Utica, KY 42376

(502) 275-4075 (800) 285-4075


I also have a couple copies of his latest catalog of books that he has available if interested.


In talking to a few of you, there seemed to be an interest in another family reunion. Any suggestions as to where we should have it?

We have had the Layman reunion twice in Kentucky, how about Missouri the next time? Send me a note or e-mail me your ideas.

Also, let me know when you’d like to have it




for the

Capture "on Film"


Jacob Warren Layman’s

Grave and the directions to the site

Contact: Jim or Tootie Layman


The only clue I have as to the location of the above grave site, is that it is in the area which used to be called "Bootleg Holler" and as far as I was told is somewhere in Grayson County, Kentucky.


Does anyone attending the reunion remember talking to a descendant of Minor E. Conklin and Eunice Roberta Layman? I spoke with this man and woman briefly and before I had a chance to get back to them to fill out a family group sheet, they left. Unfortunately, they did not sign in. Who were they?


The volumes that some of you ordered at the reunion will be available by the end of the month. I will send you a notice of the cost for printing and shipping.