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**** Thanks To Our Armed Forces ****

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Our Armed Forces

They came to answer our country’s call
Coming from all walks of life
Not knowing what lay ahead of them
Some single, others a husband or a wife
They wanted to proudly do what they could
To help this great land stay the way it was
So proudly they put on the many uniforms of this nation
And entered into the service to serve a cause
Many battles have they fought
All around this great world, in places near and far
And many have yet to return to this very soil
And this country will forever carry that scar
But we also have been able to rejoice
When proud fighters once return back to our shores
As they have gone and proudly done what was asked
Accomplishing each and everyone of the assigned chores


Bravely they move into battle
Along beaches, through jungles and such
But stead fast and unwavering
They did so with bravery and honor’s touch
Many wars have they fought
And many of their brave have fallen by the way
But still they come and answer the battle cry
Doing the best that they can, each in their own special way
They have survived the beach heads
And battles in trees so dense they couldn’t see
But they fought on the best they could
As they knew they were defending you and me
When the battles were finally won
And it was then time to return home and peace
Many kept right on serving our country
As the need for these heroes never did cease


The ship is pulling into port
With the crew lining its deck with pride
They had done their duty as asked
And soon they will dock and the ship tied
Traveling over the sea so blue
They have been called all around the world to fight
Fighting for the right of freedom we now have
Morning, noon and through the night
Launching planes from their steel decks
To help ground troops from high over head
Keeping the enemy out of the sky
So from the skies above, our heroes won’t be dead
They keep the waters safe for ships to travel
Back and forth across the water so deep and cold
And this is all made easier by them that serve
As they are well trained, brave and bold


They stand tall and proud in all they do
For you and I they proudly serve
Fighting many battles, here and there
Our respect for them they do deserve
First into battle they seem to lead
These brave men never hesitate to respond
A few good men the ad does say
But more then a few they have already found
They guard the gates of our embassies abroad
Keeping a place that is safe for us to go
The hardship they have being away from loved ones
They never complain and never let it, to us, show
So when you see them standing in their dress of blue
And proud and tall they unwaveringly stand
Take a moment and reflect back in time
And remember the ones that died for this great land


They are there on their runways waiting
To take off in a minute for flight
Flying dangerous missions over enemy lands
Morning, noon and even through the night
They wait for their fellow heroes to return
And ready the planes for battle once again
So that, without a doubt, the battle fought,
Our brave heroes will be able to win
Though many may go unnoticed for what they do
Their job is still very rewarding
As they bustle about completing their mission
Their own safety they are not regarding
Their only thought is to get the job done
And give this country what it does need
Brave men who fill the air and defend it
A special, brave and forever giving breed


They answer the call in ships so fast
As they are covering parts of the sea
These patriots who face the call of battle
Keeping the waters safe for you and me
They patrol their area in all types of weather
Helping those that may be in distress
But no matter what they must undertake
You will never hear them, for a moment protest
They serve us proudly in time of war
As the enemy they quickly seek out
And when the enemy has fallen silent because of them
Down to every last one that serves they shout
So as they stand their watch over us each day
Looking for anything that may cause us harm
Pray for their safety and give them thanks
As you sit back home safe and so warm

© Tall Mountain Dreamer November 10, 2000

Dedicated to all the service men and women that proudly step forward to answer the country’s call to arms. Serving in peace time as well as time of war has taken many of their lives at unsuspecting times and for the bravery they have still maintained and displayed we should give all these heroes in uniform a warm and heart felt thanks.

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****They Paid,We Should Remember****
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