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**** Fantasies~~Myths~~Dreams ****

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""""Myths Of The Forest""""

As we walk down that beautiful forest trail
Letting our mind wander and roam free
We imagine the things that could live in here
Living their life full and being free
We see animals gathered in a clearing of grass
As if being attentive to something not seen
They look and sit not moving at all
What in the world could all of this mean
Then we imagine a beautiful fairy sitting there
AS she has animals gathered all around
She sits there telling them of things in the woods
Of all the woods truly magical sounds
We see her wings are transparent and shimmer in the light
Give her a mystical appearance in our mind
A more beautiful picture then this that is here
Forus would certainly be hard to find
We watch as she touches each animal with love
Caring for each as if it was her own
Letting them know that she will always be there for them
As her love for the animals has truly grown
Watching her closely as we see her wings start to quiver
As the tells the animals good-bye and preapres to leave
Then slowly she stands and soars aloft, over the field
And in her heart, leaving these animals, she does grieve
We slowly walk farther along this wooded path
And then we enter into a beautiful shaded glen
Standing there in all ther splendor that was around
Knowing we could back here again and again
We sit and close our eyes and dream of this place
And bring myths into our head as our minds slip away
We suddenly see to magical white unicorns prancing
And in the bright sunlight together they play
We watch as the run freely through the woods
AS magetically they move without making a sound
Darting here and there and everywhere without uttering one small sound
Their beauty is unreal as they stop for a minute to pose
And off their horn Shines the rays of the sun
Sending many colors onto all that is around
Watching them have all their freedom and fun
Then we see them as they nestle against each other
As if to display the love that they have for each
They slowly move so they are closer together
AS into each others life the other can reach
The love they have has made this scene we see
So majestic and gives us peace of our own mind
Seeing this love that was displayed, in each of our lives we hope we find
Now our eyes open and the day is gone
And it is now time to walk back and return home
But knowing that this place of splendor and wonder is not lost
As back to these woods we will again come
So it is with a smile that I now leave this place
And head back to the real world this very day
And with the peace I now have in my heart, mind, and soul
Will help me make it easier traveling along life's way

© Tall Mountain Dreamer August 30, 2000

""""The Mythical Dragon's Lessons""""

Watching in the bright blue sky
We see it flying with its vast wing span
As it soars effortlessly acrosss the sky
We stand there patiently waitingf for it to land
It's majestic beauty can be seen by all
The sun glistens off it's shiny skin and strikes the ground
Warmyly penetrating through it's thin covered wings
Letting colors fall to the ground all around
You can see the length of its nose and beak
And How music seems to come from deep within its soul
The sound fills the valley all around
And people are transfixed watching from every knoll
Seems as if it knows that the pleasure it brings
Making each of our days easier to bear
And the peace and tranquillity that it has inside
With each of us it is willing to share
The freedom it has as it moves around from place to place
Is something that each of should surely feel
The calmness it displays from deep in its soul
Is the way we should all face whatever is real
Now we watch as it tires from flight that day
And looks for a place to land and rest it's body so weary
As do all of us when the days toils have been long
And making it just one more step would certainly be scary
Then we watch as it majestically floats to the ground
It's wings gently flapping to help it land soft upon the the land
Watching this creature being so gentle and calm
Could anything else be so elequent and grand
Now as it lays down to rest and the day is finally done
It is time for now off to home I will soon go
Remembering all that was taught to me today
And this wisdom I will be able to use as I grow
So thank you dragon for what I have learned here today
The things, to me, you have graciously taught
Because with what I have learned from you now
My battles through life can be better fought

© Tall Mountain Dreamer August 31, 2000

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""""She Rests""""

Her day has been filled swimming in water so deep
As a watch over the creatures she does silently keep
She sees the stars laid against a deep dark bed
Watching as babies that by their parents are fed
She moves silently along and is swift as she moves about
And if danger approaches to all the creatures she will shout
She expects no praise for the vigil that she keeps each day
But truly in her heart she would have it no other way
She never ask for anything in return for things that she has done
Just making each creatures life easier to her has been fun
She greets the ones that come to visit her home each day
And watches over them from below, keeping them out of harms way
She watches for the traps that will snare her family for sure
She is keeping her vigil over each passing hour
Her enjoyment comes watching all the creatures frolic and play
And them being able to enjoy each and every one of their day
Now her days are long but you never hear a complaint from her
As she knows that with love each creature looks up to her
Now this creature is not real the one that watches over the sea
But their is one that does the same that is special to me
It is the mother that I have known since my first day
And this mother I have cherrished in this very same way
Now to all mothers I say it is time to lay down and rest
As this day is now complete and it was one hell of a test
So close those eyes and get the sleep that you need and deserve
And we all want to give you the thanks that you deserve
Though we may not always know just what to say
We thank you are beautiful creature for being there each day

© Tall Mountain Dreamer August 31, 2000

""""The Free Spirit""""

The majestic image of this beautiful horse
You can see as he is silhouetted against the dark sky
The Moonlight glistening of his reflective coat of white silken hair
Proudly he stands there in fear of nothing around
So that in his splendid beauty we all could share
He watches over all that pass by his way
There to help the less fortunate when they are in need
No more or less could be asked of this precious being
As they get everything it has from this masterful steed
Majestically he walks and moves all around
Careful not to hurt anything in his traveled path
As he showed all that came tender loving care
And no matter how sharp or abrupt, he would never show his wrath
Then he would spread his majestic ivory wings
And take off in freedom in the dark of the night
Soaring to the heavens high up above it all
Being totally free while he traveleed in flight
Standing there watching as free this animal was to stay
And yet he was in control of each and every one of his life's days
And how he showed others that they could also be as free
But each had to find their own special and seprate ways
Now as we look up and imagine the freedom that this steed now felt
And wished that our lives could that free as well
With only time, knowledge and planning on our part
Will of this life, we be able to later tell
So fear not anything that comes into our life's path
And walk along holding your head way up high
And let nothing ever get you beaten and down
Because the goals that are there for you remain like a star in the sky
So soar aloft as you spread your wings through life
And don't ever fear that you will crash and fail on the way
Because if you show a lack of courage unlike this majestic steed
You will remain grounded for each and every one of your days

© Tall Mountain Dreamer September 20, 2000

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*** Pictures Telling A Story ***
*** Scenes From Around My Home ***
*** Love Poems ***
*** Spirirts From Within ***
*** Moonlight Serenade ***
*** Seasons Of The Year ***
*** Let's Not Forget ***
*** They Paid,We Should Remember ***
*** Thanks To Our Armed Forces ***
*** Military Poems ***
*** Military Memories ***
*** A Battered Soul ***
*** Back Through The Years ***
*** Beating The Odds Against Me ***
*** Home For The Holidays ***
*** My Merry Christmas ***
*** Proud To Be An American ***
*** Chat With Us ***
*** A Nations Pain ***
