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**** My Merry Christmas ****

Slowly the soft white flakes floated to the ground. All around everything was covered in a blanket of white, as all had been settled in for a long winter. The animals stayed sheltered in their forest homes out of the chill of the winter’s cold air. Birds sat aloft in the trees singing of the holiday season.

Returning from finding the perfect Christmas tree I unloaded it and went directly to the house. Struggling I finally got it through the door and into the living room where it would stand decorated for the upcoming holiday. Turning to my wife I hear her exclaim, “Could you get any bigger tree?” Then I saw the wink in her eye as she turned and returned to the kitchen where she had been hard at work. The smell of freshly baked goods filled the house with a beautiful aroma. Finally getting the tree into the stand and upright, I finally stepped back and admired the most perfect tree I had ever seen. Soon the children would be home from school for the holidays and it would be time to decorate it.

Going to the attic I found all the boxes that contained the decorations that would help turn our house into a glamorous site of glistening, turning, and moving colors. I set out testing all the lights to make sure that they all worked and any I found not working I replaced immediately. Finally everything was set for the Children to come home and decorate the tree. I walked to the kitchen to see what my wife had been up to during the day. Opening the door I stood in shock as I saw all the fresh baked goods that filled the room with a delightful odor. I stood there wondering how could one person have accomplished all this? Looking at my wife, fussing over the last apple pie, I saw a woman that was totally content and proud of what she had accomplished. She looked at me with a glistening in her eye saying, “I think I am almost finished here.” I chuckled softly and said in a poking voice, “What took you so long?” She just looked at me and smiled.

Well the children had arrived home and straight to the living room they went and prepared to decorate the tree. My wife and I soon followed as we would sit and watch the fun that they would have. Christmas music was playing loudly on the stereo and we all joined in singing Deck The Halls. The sound of everyone singing in their own tones filled the house. Slowly the lights were placed around the tree and hung from the branches. Next came the decorations of all different colors, shapes and sizes. The taller children took care of the top of the tree decorations while the younger ones decorated the bottom. Then came the garland and icicles to make the tree shimmer with color. I then went and got the tree top which had been passed down through the family for many years and after giving it to the youngest child I picked them up so they could place the angel on the tree top. Turning towards the oldest child I nodded and they plugged in the lights on the tree and all on the tree sparkled. Looking at my wife we nodded to each, as if saying, “A job well done.”

Well supper was made and after we would sit around and sing Christmas Carols and Mom and I would tell the children Christmas stories from years gone by. Suddenly we hear a car outside and all running to the windows and looking out saw our relatives starting to arrive for the holidays. Grandma and Grandpa were the first to arrive and as grandma headed for the house, Grandpa went and opened the trunk to get the gifts and their clothes from inside. I left the house to give him a hand and after we were both loaded down we talked as we walked back towards the house. My heart was warm with this time of year knowing that the family would once again be together, laughing and enjoying each other at our home as it was our turn to host the Christmas tradition. I took the gifts to the living room and carefully placed each and everyone under the tree for the big day. More relatives showed and more presents of all different shapes, sizes, and color were placed under the tree, waiting for the holiday to arrive.

Well the night before Christmas was finally upon us and as we had a festive meal prepared by all the women stories and jokes were told of the holidays. I was sure that our laughter could be heard from those passing on the sidewalks outside. The warmth that was coming from the family being together filled all of our hearts. Slowly and surely the children were all tucked into bed and soon they would be fast asleep with visions of all the things they had asked for being theirs on Christmas Day. Finally all the adults started taking gifts that had been hidden from the children and placing them under the tree. There were bicycles, dolls, balls, trains, books and many other things unwrapped placed last with tags which read, “from Santa, Merry Christmas.”

After everything was carefully placed we all turned to each other and after saying our well wishes for the holidays headed off to bed for what would surely be a very short nights sleep. My wife and I had finally laid down and were at rest as we kissed and then slowly faded off to sleep with smiles on both our faces. We had opened our home to the ones that we loved and were blessed by all of them possible being here for this special day, to share it with us. We were awakened to a bustling of noise as the house was alive with shouts of laughter and surprise.

Pulling ourselves out of bed I looked at the clock and it was barely four in the morning. Wondering why we were not still sleeping we headed for the living room where all the family was arriving. Kids were all sitting in front of the tree looking at tags on the unwrapped presents trying to find the ones that belonged to them. After all had gathered one child was chosen and the gifts were passed out amongst all that were there and each person opened their gift to marvel as to what was inside. We watched with joy in our hearts as we saw clothes, toys, tools, house ware, and outdoor things to name a few and watched as the smile on each ones face grew with the opening of each present. Finally under the tree was bare and all the presents had been handed out to who they belonged. The children had all torn open theirs and paper was tossed here and there, with a trail of empty boxes going in all sorts of different directions.

Children were bringing toys to parent s to have them assembled, adjusted, and enjoyed. They were running and trying to play with all their presents at one time leaving one and running to another. Breakfast was finally served and all went back to relaxing and playing after their stomachs had been filled with well prepared foods. The morning passed quickly and everyone was fed a small lunch to save room for the feast, that would be served later in the day. Well as fresh snow fell outside the kids bundled up and headed outside to build a snowman on the front lawn. The women were in the kitchen putting the final touches on the feast and the men sitting in the television room watching sports. Stories were being traded still amongst each group as the day moved along.

The house again filled with the fragrance of fresh cooked food as the feast was readied for the family. The table was set with the special china that was only used for special occasions and the sterling silver was placed at each setting. Once everything was readied for entirety, all were summoned to the table for the feast. Everyone moved to the dining room with a smile on their face knowing that this would be great feast. The adults were all sitting at the main table while the children were seated around a second table to enjoy all the specially prepared food and trimmings of the season. There was laughter and words filled the room with joy. Suddenly it was time for the meal to start and before that could happen it would be my place to say grace and give thanks for all that we had. I had thought about this moment for many days as I knew it would soon be upon us. After careful thought I had come up with the blessing that I thought fit the season in its entirety. I asked all for silence and to pray as I spoke

"My Blessing"

We thank you lord for bringing this family together
At this very special time of year
To allow us to share this joyous occasion
With people that we hold so dear
We thank you for the chance to swap gifts amongst each
And give something special from the heart
And for all the food that we have before us
And the meal that we are about to start
We pray for all those around the world these days
That are not as fortunate as us that sit here today
And for the safety of those that serve our country
For their safety, in your name we now pray
We ask for Peace on Earth and Joy to all
And for everyone to be happy the whole year through
These are the blessings that we now say
And we are sending them straight to you
So now dear God we thank you in whole for the day
And for watching over, and keeping safe, our family and friends
We hope that these joyous moments that we now build
Never in our memories will these moments end

Well the blessing having been said and the food dished out, everyone settled in to eat until they felt like they were busting at the seams. The flavor of each kind of food had been made precise with tender loving care. The golden color of the large turkey stuffed completely with the savory stuffing inside was being carved and passed to each. Glancing at my wife I saw the smile of accomplishment and pride that she wore and when our eyes met I smiled and gave her a wink letting her know I was proud of what she had accomplished. Well after everyone had satisfied their hunger and were slowly departing the table for different places, the dishes were slowly cleared and taken to the kitchen. The Carcass of that once proud turkey was all that was left and was a monument to a very plentiful and satisfying meal. Slowly the left over food was taken care of and would be used to snack on when people once again became hungry.

The women had all gone to the kitchen where they would accomplish the task of cleaning all the dishes and cooking utensils and make sure that everything was put away just right waiting for the next special occasion when they would be brought back out and used. The men had all gathered in front of the television to watch the annual Christmas Day football games and root for the ones that they wanted to win. The children had again returned outside where they would slide and play in the fresh snow that had fallen for this special day. Soon it would be time for all to come together for an evening meal and settle down and relax. The desserts were brought out and everyone got to choose their favorite and indulge in them. We had pies, cakes, cookies and fudges that had been homemade.

Well the night came slowly as all were tired form a long day and without argument the children headed off to sleep. No sooner had their eyes closed then they had entered into the land of peaceful dreams. The adults lingered for a while but slowly they gave in and headed off to bed and were quickly asleep. I then walked to my wife and taking her by the hand pulled her into my arms and fell into a loving embrace as we were both content with the day and what we had done. Kissing deeply and showing our love for each other sealed the end of this for us both at this time. After stepping we looked up and there hung the mistletoe right above us, which we had been unaware of. We looked at each other and smiled. I turned and flicked off the lights sending the house into total darkness. Hand in hand we headed for the bedroom where we found placed on each of our pillows a small wrapped package which were named for each of us and given by Santa Clause. Each of us looked at each other and went and taking the package opened them slowly. Under the wrapping there was a trinket box and after opening each we were amazed to find gold pendants with an inscription on each. It was of a round circle and in it it had two hearts with words that read “These two hearts are of two that come together with love to form the strength of one.” Looking at each other we smiled and again fell into each others arms in a warm embrace. We both known that we had found the perfect gift for each and with the love for each had bought it for this special day. We then went to the bed and after covering ourselves and settling in I turned and putting my arms around my wife we slowly drifted off to sleep.....

© Tall Mountain Dreamer December 13, 2000

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**** They Paid,We Should Remember ****
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