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**** Military Poems ****

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**** A Soldier Is Born ****

I sit in remembrance of that one important day
When I decided my life would be the military way
I patiently set and took a battering of tests
Striving for perfection, always giving it my best
Finally time came for me to take the oath and raise my right hand
And there among others, obscured, I did stand
Then I was off to learn soldiering first hand
And soon, in front of this bear of a man, I did stand
He put us into a group and told us which way to turn
How to move as a group, he said that we would surely learn
Assigning us to rooms, filled with seven others
Telling us to get along and consider each brothers
In the dark of the morning we were made to wake
How much of this can one person be expected to take
To the exercise field we would go for physical training
Returning, after time, with all of our muscles aching
Then it is off to the Mess Hall, they make sure you are fed
Eating some of this food, pounds you could surely shed
Off you would go to the rifle and grenade range
With all the equipment you surely feel strange
Train, train, train the whole day through
Then right back the next day and do it again too
Some, among us would crack, and beg to be sent home
As this life was not for all, but for the rest, the end would come
Finally the training is over, "YES", it is done
We had survived eight long weeks of what they called fun
Now finally one last test we all must take
We are all hoping that passing grades we will make
Now we are standing proud in our Dress Green uniform
The same, that one's before us, proudly had worn
Now we pass in review in one big parade
As defenders of our country these trainers have made
We now can all stand in front of you proud and tall
Knowing that we had given it our all
Now when our country calls we are ready to defend
As what we stand for, we'll defend this to the end
I hope that others that came after me and took the same road
Will honorably stand and help share the load
As this country won't be the same if we don't stand to protect
And anyone's other forces we don't reject
Now I thank the ones before me for all they have done
Courageous battles they fought and the many they won
Now as I look back, quite a bit older
I can only say "I am proud to have been a soldier"

© Tall Mountain Dreamer October 21, 1998

**** To The Military Short Timer ****

Re-Up, Re-Up, No sir-ee
This is one thing that is not for me
A military lifer I surely can't be
Everyday I clean my shoes and shine my brass
But I surely am not going to kiss no lifer's a**
My uniform I wear always cleaned and pressed
The only thing I have to do is force myself to get dressed
All the harassment that they pile upon you
Do a good job and they don't even recognize you
A part of your pay they are happy and ready top take
They are looking for every little mistake that you make
Your supposed eight hours of work usually turn into ten
And day in and day out you will do it again
If you constantly mess up they are there to help you out
They give you an easy job and let you skate out
All of this disagrees with me personally
Of most of these events I can not see
Your clearing papers you will one day finally receive
Only after these are finished will you be able to leave
They will try and control you until the very end
And try and get you after that if they can
The GI Bill that they preached would help me
Is the benefit that I have been longing to see
But every day they are taking parts of it away
Doing your service to your country, what does it pay
Soon I too will be a two digit midget
My discharge is all that I want to get
Now I have it in my hands and I am finally free
Thank you Lord, for reprieving me

© Tall Mountain Dreamer July 10, 1993

**** 1st Cavalry Division ****

I was assigned to this unit in 1993
And I would soon help it build part of it's proud history
This unit is distinguished by the patch it wore
And it is well known from shore to shore
The patch is colored of black and bright yellow
It would reach from your shoulder, almost to the elbow
It had a horses head, colored in black
To remember those soldiers, from times way back
A wide black stripe went from bottom to top
As if a boundary, where enemies they would stop
Now the history started many long years ago
And from the early years, it's history did grow
Starting with the Horse Soldier's, during the pioneering days
Patrolling the frontier, so peaceful it does stay
Against the Indians they would bravely ride into battle
Soldiers riding tall, their nerves would not rattle
Stories of it's soldiers, you would hear people tell
Of the ones that survived and the brave ones that fell
The unit adapted as the times slowly changed
As their horses for machinery they would slowly exchange
Soon the buglers would no longer sound the charge
As off into battle they bravely would charge
The soldiers would proudly go wherever they were sent
Showing their pride and courage as they went
Soon they were fighting from land and also from the air
Whatever it took they did not care
They fought when they were asked, in many a foreign land
In Europe, Korea and Viet Nam they would make a stand
They would lose some battles and at times were over run
But not being cowards, they would never turn and run
They would always do whatever they were asked
Never giving up on whatever they were tasked
Dressed in the old uniforms, to parades they would go
The pride in this unit they would proudly show
They would always make sure when comrades fell
They would return with them, and of their bravery they would tell
Now there is an old saying, you will hear many people say
"Old Cavalry Soldiers Never Die, They Just Fade Away"
Now if you ever see this patch on a soldiers side
Know that he wears it with dignity and pride
For he surely knows what the patch stands for
The two proudest things, Dignity and Honor
These are all soldiers with an undying vision
Wearing the honored patch of the 1st Cavalry Division

© Tall Mountain Dreamer November 7, 1998

**** Soldiers ****

They came from all across this great land
To answer the call and for freedom stand
Their color and race, they quickly do blend
As for the right of freedom they were asked to defend
The jobs they must learn are no easy task
For pity or mercy they will not ask
Through all the toils, tears and sweat
They stand proudly together with no regret
Standing and waiting for our nations call
Knowing that in battle some will return and others will fall
Being called upon to protect a foreign land
Ready to protect others freedom and to make a stand
Many a proud kin sits back at home and all alone
Hoping that they all will be able to return home
The weather means nothing to them as they work
Performing their duties and none do they shirk
Some will be given an unwanted task
And their depression they will surely have to mask
Some follow in the steps of their proud family members
And the deeds that they accomplished are all fond reminders
Now hoping that they too can do their country proud
They have come together as one big crowd
Families are united and wives start to cry
Hoping loved ones will be protected by that man in the sky
Moms and Dads respond, kneeling in prayer
In their hopes of protection we all share
As the men finish their duties and pass on their way
Holding their heads up high for what was done here today
Now the task is done and their pride they have all shown
As they pack up their gear and head back to their home
They return to home bases feeling mighty proud
Being welcomed back by a large cheering crowd
Families are reunited and wives start to cry
Thanking that man way up in the sky
All understand that they can be called again one day
Their attention to the calling they will proudly pay
They know not what the ending may be
But they will proudly go representing their country
So as you sit in your home all cuddled up tight
Remember the “SOLDIERS” who for your freedom fight

© Tall Mountain Dreamer August 17, 1998

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**** Love Poems ****
**** Fantasies,Myths&Dreams ****
**** Spirits From Within ****
**** Moonlight Serenade ****
**** Seasons Of The Year ****
**** Let's Not Forget ****
**** They Paid,We Should Remember ****
**** Thanks To Our Armed Forces ****
**** Military Memories ****
**** A Battered Soul ****
**** My Merry Christmas ****
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**** Beating The Odds Against Me ****
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**** A Nations Pain ****
