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***The Moonlight Serenade***

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**** The Moonlight Serenade ****

I stood quietly at my window
Looking out into the bright moonlight
Everything was quiet now
As nothing moving was in sight
Just as I was about to turn around
And lay down at the end of my day
I heard the faint sound of music
As it flowed from somewhere far away
I strained my eyes to see
As the music became louder and louder still
The melody of the notes being played
Through my body it sent a chill
I stood there in wonder
Listening to those notes so sweet
Hoping that it wouldn't be long
And the origin of those I would meet
Then I saw this shadow walking
Along the sidewalk so slow and with care
In his arms he nestled a guitar
And it was these beautiful notes I could hear
Closer and closer he came to me
And soon he was standing right outside
Then he stopped and turned torwards me
My eyes saw him and they opened wide
There stood the man that had been in my dreams
When I the time had wondered what it had meant
Where had this man of my dreams been all my life
Had he,like an angel from heaven,been sent
The song he was singing lifted my heart
Filling my soul with relaxation and love
The view of this man and his music right there
Was being lit by the moonlight from up above
His music was soothing and made me relax
The easiness with which his song flowed through the air
Filled my body full,to the very top
Washing away every pain worry and care
Well his song spoke of true love
Of two people that wanted to be united as one
Of how they struggled to come to this end
But they didnt stop until it had been done
Finally I heard the last words come to me in the night
Was this to be the end that I had wished would never come
Slowly the last sweet notes of his music had faded
But to this day I can still remember some
Then I watched as he bowed his head torwards me
And from my face came a big smile
For the man who I waited for all my life
Had been standing right in front of me that short while
Then I saw him bend down lowly by the fence
As he seemed to place something gently there
I then ran from my room and to that spot I went
I looked down and saw what was sitting on the ground there
A pure white box done up in a red bow
As I opened it and took a look inside
There were a dozen red roses and a little white card
Seeing their beauty,my eyes filled with water and I cried
I opened the card and read the words there
And I remember the lasting memory they made
There it was in handwriting so smooth and elegant
Remember my love I showed you during this moonlight serenade

© Tall Mountain Dreamer July 23,2000

**** The Serenade Continues ****

I go to my window everynight
Hoping my mystery singer will come into sight
Singing the songs that will fill my heart so full
Standing there,wide open,my curtains I pull
I look out into the night lit bright by the full moon
Hoping that he would be there real soon
Then I see this shadow headed my way
But he walks on by and doesn't even stay
My heart feels empty as I wonder if him I will ever meet
And him in person I will get to greet
Night after night I stand there in my window
Watching people pass me by down below
Then one night again I heard that same sound far away
My heart began beating faster,and a smile came to me that day
My eyes strained to see him as he walked along
Closer and closer he came to me with that love song
Then he was there in that same place where he had stood
The love song he played made me feel so good
He played and he sang as his music filled the air all around
Filling the air with his beautiful sound
The music now has once again finished and silence has fallen
But my heart was happy tonight as he had come calling
He then put his hand to his lips and blew me a kiss
I will deep in my memories remember this
From his coat he removed something he had put there
And placed it on the fence with his gentle care
My mind was racing as he turned to leave
My heart was pounding and I could hardly breathe
So then I left my window and to that place I went
So with my own eyes I could see what he had sent
There hanging on the fence was the most beautiful heart I had seen
I wondered where in my life this mystery man had always been
I picked up the heart and looked at it real close
In the middle of it was one single and beautiful rose
The beauty I saw brought a tear to my eye
And with the happiness I had now found,I began to cry
The man I hadn't met became the man of my dreams
Now to others I know,strange this surely seems
I took the heart and held it to me so close
Carrying it to my room,the chills it gave me I remember those
I then opened the heart and inside I did look
As carefully the wrapping away I took
Laying under the wrapping was the most beautiful crystal rose
And inscribed on the petals was written some prose
It read as follows as I have memorized it all
And still to this day I can certainly recall
To my sweetheart though we have never met yet
Your inner beauties I will certainly never forget
One day we will meet and together we will stay
My heart surely burns for that special day
Your beauty I have seen has been something special for sure
And what you have been and done has made my heart soar
Now I give you this rose as it is special to me
So now the love that I have for you,you can now see
So I hope one day when we meet you will in my love believe
But Im sorry for right now,as I must again leave
So lay your head down at night and close those eyes up tight
And think of me there in the bright moonlight
As each memory you have will make your dreams so sweet
And will keep joy in your heart until the day we meet

© Tall Mountain Dreamer July 25,2000

**** The Final Serenade ****

Well again I watched at my window
I was there each and every night
Waiting with the feeling in my heart
For this special person to come in sight
Days and days had slowly passed
And him still I had not seen
Wondering to myself if something had happened
Or where had this special person been
Then I saw this shadow approaching
And right away in my heart I knew
That this was my secret loved one
And wondering what,tonight special,he would do
Well he stopped in the very same place
And started playing another love tune
And all I saw of him right then
Was what was lit by the shining full moon
but no words came from his lips
As he just looked quietly up at me
Playing that tune that was filled with love
And I stood there looking at him silently
He then stopped for a minute and motioned
For me to come down to where he stood
And my heart and my mind were racing so fast
As I was deep in that loving mood
I opened the door slowly and could hear that sound
So then I pulled the door open wide
And there to my loving amazement
Stood my admirer on the porch right outside
Finally seeing him there in front of me
And seeing this man for the first time that day
I knew without a doubt in my mind
I was never going to let him slip away
He then leaned his guitar against the wall
As he took me softly by the hand
And slowly pulled me torwards him there
As then close together we did stand
We stood there silently looking into each others eyes
And feeling each others warmth as we held each so close
And these loving memories are now deeply stored
As for sure I would never want to lose those
He then took me by the hand and led me to the porch swing
Where we sat and cuddled so long in each others arms
As I knew that safe I was that night
As he would protect me from all of life's harms
He then told me of how he had watched
Me pass him by each and every day
How he always watched and felt something deep inside
Every time that I would pass his way
How he wanted to meet with me
But yet he knew not quite what to say or do
Then he told he how he sat and wrote these songs
And said "From my heart I wrote them for you"
How he planned each step that he took
And it was all thought out with great care
Because he knew that without a doubt
From him,me,he never wanted to scare
I told him of my feelings that I had inside
And how for him I had watched each and every night
Waiting and hoping with all of my heart
That he would surely be coming into my sight
And how I had cherished each and every gift
That he had left by the fence,for me
And how the love that quickly built inside my soul
None any better could there ever be
So then he leaned forward and put his lips to mine
And we then entered into a passionate kiss
And with all the love that he had then shown
Our hearts,minds,and souls,slipped into bliss
We then made a vow to each that night
That our world together would forever stay
And the love that we would from then on build
Would certainly never be able to fade away
He reached into his pocket and brought out a box
Which held a bracelet of gold inside
And on this bracelet were some words
As "Moonlight Serenade" he had inscribed
He put the bracelet gently on my wrist
And then looking at me I saw him smile
He said in a soft passionate tone these words
I have been waiting for this night,a long while
He then leaned forward and kissed me goodbye
As he said he then had to move on this night
And I watched with love in my heart
As he serenaded me as he disappeared into the moonlit night

© Tall Mountain Dreamer August 1,2000

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