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***** Let's Not Forget *****

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**** The Final Roll Call ****

It was a cold and chilling fall day
But the crowd had gathered in the rain
The sky was covered by a dull gray
As family, friends and heroes hid their pain
And the people had all come this day
To gather to show their pride in one
Their respects to one of our country’s heroes to pay
Letting them know they were proud of what they had done
It had happened on a far distant land
With bullets flying all around
Where this fallen hero was asked to take a stand
And suddenly unknowing they fell to the ground
Beside other heroes, standing hand to hand
They had stood tall and did what was tasked
Making a formidable wall so grand
Never a question of why had they asked
That fatal day one link of that wall would be taken away
Never to be forgotten by the ones at their side
As fatally wounded in battle they would lay
While others mourned them in death with pride
Then with honor their body was removed that day
To insure that it was paid it’s last respect
And brought back to this country, where last respects people would pay
As it was laid to rest in the ground it served to protect
Now the air around became silent of all sound
Not even nature was stirring right now
As the click of each horse's hoof was heard as it hit the ground
Click by click, louder the sound would grow
And there on the caisson painted in black there lay
The flag draped coffin of this hero who had fallen
Being brought to a final resting spot of heroes to stay
Answering the countries last time calling
As it stopped the honor guard unloaded the coffin from where it lay
And silently marched to the site of the grave
As with the flag soft breezes did gently play
Blowing over this proud soldier so brave
Then the sound of one final salute was heard
As the honor volley was fired into the air
And yes these respects were paid without a word
But what this meant each person could share
Words were said from the lips of a few as others listened
Off in the distance,standing alone,a bugler,Taps proudly played
Memories of this loved one in others minds glistened
But in total silence now everyone stayed
Then a Roll Call, with names of heroes, was called
As each one sounded in response “Here”
But when this heroes name was finally called
No answer to the call did anyone hear
Then the call for this hero was repeated once again
As silence fell deafly over the crowd
As from the heavens above they all heard the loud refrain
“Here” was shouted out strong and loud
The flag was lifted and folded in silence so cold
As the chill went through to everyone’s thought
They had all witnessed another hero so bold
To their final resting place of honor be brought
The flag was given to someone so close and so dear
As with them a part of that hero will forever stay
As they would remember them for what they did and were
And never let those memories fade away
So as the people left this hero alone that day
They had nothing but pride for heroes all
As each one had served and with their life they did pay
But each one had proudly answered their country’s “Final Roll Call”

© Tall Mountain Dreamer November 3, 2000

**** The Wall ****

It stands there as a silent reminder on a cool autumn day
The only colors are those of the leaves turning on the trees that stand all around
This massive wall of heroes is being brushed over it’s smooth surface
By a gentle but bone chilling breeze that blows softly without a sound
The black marble of which this monument is built has soaked in the cold
But soon the sun will rise and warm the souls within with it’s ray
The path in front of this hallowed monument now is just an empty walk
But it has witnessed many people, from all walks of life, pass its way
I stand in somber silence and look at this wall in remembrance
Of fellow soldiers whose souls are living in each atom of this stone
And yes I can feel the pain that is felt by others when they read
The names that were etched on this smooth marble face of stone
Soon a steady line of people will come as they have each day
Many to proudly honor fellow comrades with which they did serve in war
Some will travel only a very short distance to pay their respects
But others will make a rewarding trip that brings them from afar
More wreaths, flowers and shattered hearts will be laid on the ground this day
As families and friends come to be with the ones that they still love
Knowing that they now, their loved ones, had peace on earth forever
And their souls were watching down on them from high above
Now I see the path is filling with people as they come walking along silent but sure
They are coming here, to honor heroes, from all walks of American life
Many have been here before but they still come back again and again
Soldiers, veterans, children’s, parents and even husbands and a wife
I watch as this woman walks to the wall and touches a cold and hardened name
And then bending she places a picture of that hero carefully on the ground
She then stands there in silence and stares at that cold stone as if asking why
And I see tears streaming from her eyes as she turns quietly around
Seeing a veteran standing there,while for a name they carefully search the wall
And I watch in somber silence as I suddenly see them step up to it and reach out
Their shaking hands slowly reach and touch a name of a hero engraved there
Then they step back and with a crisp salute, pays honor to them without a doubt
I proudly listen to grownups explain the wall to their young children
That this is where their unknown relatives now with honor silently lay
Deaths cold chill brings an eerie feeling into my body as there I now stand
Certainly proud that I, one that proudly remembers, got to witness this all today
Watching as a young child jumps up to touch a certain place on the wall
And failing each time they try they finally sit down and so hard they cry
So I walk over to the child and try to comfort them in their sorrow
And asking why, they say “I want to touch grandpa but he is way to high”
So I pick up that child in my arms and ask them to point to the name
And watch as they proudly find it again and point way up high
So I pick them up and holding them high over my head so they could reach
Touching their grandpa’s name and soul under that bright blue sky
Then I lowered them down and placed them softly on the ground
And they turned to me and spoke softly and in their eyes I saw many a tear
They stated that it was great to see others who would reach out and help
And they came to touch their grandpa's lasting soul on his birthday each year
I saw a disabled veteran in their wheel chair quietly sitting there staring at that wall
For what seemed like hours but it was only time that had slowly moved on by
But I knew that it was with great honor and pride that they came there to reflect
As I saw them drop their head in their hands and uncontrollably begin to cry
Many people came along this path and stopped in remembrance for a minute
And then after a silent tribute they quietly moved along their way
I now can see many pictures of heroes, ribbons, flowers and wreaths
Uniforms, medals, flags and uncontrolled tears that had been left here today
Now the day is finally done and gone and only a few visitors linger on
The warm sun slowly sets and the sun’s warmth in that stone is replaced by cold
As death’s eerie chill now seems to linger over this great wall
Where many names had been inscribed of the military brave and bold
Now all the things that had been left throughout the day numbered a great many
And they would all be picked up with honor and pride and given a real good home
As yes they would be taken to a place of safekeeping before the end of my day
I do this in proud remembrance of all the souls that are buried here in that stone
So now I move with pride and in silence so as not to disturb those whose souls lay there
As respect I will always proudly show to each of them, one and all
Yes by myself who, with honor, was there each and every day that passed
As I was the one that was proudly assigned to look after the heroes on The Wall

© Tall Mountain Dreamer February 27, 2001

**** Gone Home To Rest ****

He proudly answered the call
When his country asked him too
He went where he was sent by his country
And he proudly served me and you
He paid the price for answering our call
As part of him was lost and would never return
He came back to this country he loved
And watched as many of him, the people did scorn
He held nothing against any of them that called him names
Or talked softly while his back to them was turned
As he had done nothing more then what was asked
And the pride for his country inside of him burned
He had lost all that he had loved and held so dear
From the price in life he was asked to pay
He fought back the only way he could
As he knew not what to ask or say
Surrounded by his fellow warriors that served
He learned to call this home and them friend
And he cherished all that he had amongst them
And held it all dear until the very end
Never a complaint from his lips there fell
And he just lived one day at a time
Knowing that all the pain and suffering he felt
Would finally be taken away sometime
The coldness he felt from being alone
When all his family had left his side
Was warmed by ones he had now found
Comrades and friends with whom he could reside
Making the days that slipped slowly away
That much easier for him to each day bare
As he had finally found in unknown people
That there was some that truly and honestly did care
Then as his days became less and less
And that fatal time finally did arrive
As he had one last request of his pain
And please don’t artificially keep me alive
Please take me home swiftly dear lord
Knowing that he no longer wanted to be alone
So God reached down on that fateful day
And brought his battle tested soldier home
Now as he lays to his final rest today
Let all that knew look up to the sky
As this soldier of the lord above
Still stands his post of duty proudly from upon high
So do not look at this day with sorrow
As he would not want that you know
But be thankful of just one thing you all
That this brave soldier amongst you, you did get to know

© Tall Mountain Dreamer October 28, 2000

**** They Were Called To Serve ****

From all across this land
When there was a time and need
Many brave patriots were called
To perform an unenviable deed
It was in the time of conflict
Somewhere in this large world in which we live
But they proudly came to the front
Their pledge to our country they did give
Many oceans they were asked to cross
And over many seas they traveled afar
Many would be courageous in battle
Many of their bodies would carry a scar
They never asked for any thanks for what they did
But instead went on with duties at hand
Together they formed a wall of honor
Wherever they were asked to make a stand
The young and old have all been called
And proudly together they went when asked
Performing their duties with pride and conviction
They accomplished everything they were tasked
Many watched as friends and comrades
Quietly lay beside them, in battle, dead
But surely still warm were the thoughts
Of honor to serve their country in their head
By the numbers we have watched them fall
Spread all over this world so great
But still they answer the country’s call
And not one of them know their fate
Many battles with honor have been won
By men and women who have served with pride
And some of these brave heroes that served
May by each of us now reside
Some were lost to wounds of battle
Others lived but have scars that are deep
And memories of all that they did and saw
Every last one will be asked to keep
Many souls of the brave would never see home again
Whether dead or lost without a trace
But many back in this country still remember
And empty feelings that families do face
So as we live the life these people help to quarantee
Our thanks they all now justly deserve
As they are the ones that answered our country’s call
And yes they were proud to serve

© Tall Mountain Dreamer November 3, 2000

**** The Disabled Vet ****

The halls are all a bustle
As back and forth you can see people go
What missions they are on
You will never ever know
The rooms are filled to the maximum
With people from all around
They have come here to be treated
For injuries and illnesses that may never be found
And never once do they complain that they were mistreated
When answering our nations call
All these patients here have paid the price
But not one thinks they are better then them all
And each one carries their own horror filled scars
You see them in their wheelchairs unable to walk
Or sitting there blindly staring out
Not even being able to talk
Many have some hidden memories
That have scarred them deep in their mind
As they just want the answers to why
But none of the answers can they find
Many are there all alone in life
As they have lost everything that they once cherished
Now lonely they sit and pass the empty time away
As all the hopes of the life they had have silently perished
No special treatment do these heroes seek
Nor do they make demands that are unfair
They only ask one thing from this country they love
That they be given some help and health care
When you see that man wheeling along with no legs
Or another paralyzed and can not move
Or even one without an arm to complete a task
Stop for a second and show them your love
As just for that instance you stop and speak
Could be all to help that person it does take
And you may never even realize it right then
But what a difference that instance you did make
These people have all paid a price so great
That the rest of us may never understand
Of these heroic patriots that stood tall in battle
And side by side defended the honor of this great land
Many stories of pain and loss do they hide
The visible pains are there for all who will look to see
But these brave heroes did what was asked with honor and loyalty
As they proudly defended both you and me
So as we freely without pain move about each day
Let us pause for a moment and in our memories reflect
As we should forever make it our mission in life
That we always remember the Disabled American Vet

© Tall Mountain Dreamer November 5, 2000

**** The Jungle Lives On ****

I was sent to a land so far away
Where I was asked to put my life on the line
Everyone saying just go and do what you are asked
And then return home and you will be just fine
Well they were the ones that have never been there
Never taken a foot off our nation’s soil so dear
Not like these brave men that I have around me
The ones that came,like I did, from far and near
We fought this battle in the dense unforgiving jungle
Fighting against an enemy that at times we couldn’t see
I would hear one of my comrades scream in agonizing pain
As his body was riddled with bullets right there in front of me
Looking around for the enemy that did this to them
None would I be able to find on this day
Those words of empty meaning that I had been told
Rang loud in my ears, “Just Go, you will be okay”
I watched as heroes that never once complained
Arms and legs were ripped from them with such ease
Trying to fight against an unknown enemy they couldn’t find
As they were hidden in this jungle’s dense trees
I hear that explosion so loud in my ears just now
As I duck for cover and listen so quietly
I hear another soldier screaming out in such writhing pain right then
As help makes their way to them hurriedly
All becomes silent from that one swift attack
Then we will slowly continue on the mission at hand
That scream was from my best friend, he’s now dead, that is a fact
The pain seeps deep into my mind leaving a scar
That I will carry with me as long as I will live
Not knowing if the next brave American soldier to fall on this soil
Would be me as with bravery my life I will give
I watch as a patrol of men is sent on a mission in that jungle
No griping or harsh words come from their lips this day
They never return back to the friends that they have left here
What a high price these brave men had to pay
I listen as mortars and artillery are suddenly landing all around
And I see bodies being ripped apart everywhere I look
Yes! These pictures are imbedded in my mind to this day
God! The pain, as shrapnel in my leg and back I now took
The pain is flying through me now as I think back to all I have seen
All the death and maiming that I had seen with my own eye
These pictures are haunting me as my eyes close today
Lost in this ugly jungle of war a lone tear I cry
They tell me that not all is lost from what happened
Just both legs I will never be able to use ever again
As no feelings will I have from the waste on down
God tell me why! I will never again be a whole man
So now back home I go to the ones I loved so dear
And had not seen for a time that was way to long
But when I arrived, in my wheel chair, back in that town I had left
I could tell that something was really now wrong
My family tried to make me feel so welcome
As they catered and did everything I needed for me
Couldn’t they understand the one thing I really needed
Was just to feel that from that jungle I was finally being set free
I would lay awake in bed many a night looking at pictures
As in a cold sweat I watched them all in my mind
All the killing and carnage that I had lived through for this
When would my release from that jungle, I be able to find
Every time I was out in the public trying to recapture my soul
A car would backfire and I would instinctively duck in horror and shake
Then people that I once had called my friends as I grew
Took time to stop and fun of me they would then make
I would awake screaming as I heard sirens in the night
As the memories they rekindled were permanent to me
I could see all the heroes running for some cover
As I could still see the rounds exploding all around me
Remembering seeing arms and other body pieces everywhere
After once again everything became silent and still
But to this day these pictures that have been painted in my mind
Through my body send a bone tingling chill
Now I quietly think back to those that never from this safe ground have left
And those words that they spoke to me on that fateful day
How they were so sure of it all in their minds,those hollow words they spoke
“Just Go! You will be okay,” still haunts me,till this very day
Now I am still forced to fight those battles in my mind
And I know that these battles will never for me be done
Because permanent scars I will carry with me to my grave
Always for me the Jungle will live on and on

© Tall Mountain Dreamer March 4, 2001

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