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**** They Paid,We Should Remember ****

Lost But Never Forgotten

Was it the sound of battle they left
Not knowing where to turn
Was it the stench of the bodies
As laying beside them they did burn
Were they taken prisoner
And moved many miles away
And no one knowing where to look
So hidden from us they did stay
Were they lost in the sands of the desert
As they fought on a land so barren
Across the deep blue sea
While loved ones were back home caring
Was it bombs that when they blew
Dissolved a body in the flash
As never into a safer place were these
Able to right then dash
Was it as they stayed with their plane
As it plummeted from the sky
That these heroes have never been brought back home
As no one knows where they did die
Was it on those islands oh so small
That were surrounded by the deep blue sea
That many hid or were taken away and never found
The thoughts of these patriots are deep inside of me
Was it the jungle that just engulfed them
So dark and dense and unknowing
Where they were slowly taken away from us
Their numbers were steadily growing
Lone patriots left to wonder in their minds
If their loved homeland they would ever see
Whether they really mattered to any
And if they would ever be brought back to you and me
But many back here stood a vigil
For patriots they didn’t even know
As for the pride of these missing soldiers
These Americans wanted to show
So they have never returned in numbers
So that each and every one could be accounted for
Many still wait with hope and prayer
That this hero will again grace our shore
So remember those that have never returned
And will never back to their country be brought
As many hearts will always weigh heavy for them
Those many POW/MIA’s as they will never be forgot

© Tall Mountain Dreamer November 4, 2000

Where Is My Hero

I was standing at the door
When they picked me up to say good bye
They wiped away my tears
And told me to be strong and don’t cry
They said that they were proud
To be able to answer the country’s call
They would go and do there best
And defend our freedoms for us all
I watched in silence through tear filled eyes
As they turned and slowly walked away
That memory burned deep in my mind
Of that very eventful and fatal day
Off to fight in a war far across the sea
To help protect the rights of others
Who wanted freedom just like the ones we have
Leaving behind heart wrenched children, fathers and mothers
Many days then slowly passed
And the news was sad to watch and hear
How many of our country’s heroes
Were being killed in battles over there
No word did we ever receive of the loved one that went
Mail even soon stopped coming to us
As no more to us they ever sent
Then the war was over and many were on their way home
Heroes welcomes cluttered along our shore
To have them coming home and back with their families
When ours would arrive we were never sure
When all had been returned to us
And still they hadn’t come home to rest
Was when our hearts started mourning deep
And our days became, for us, the blackest
Then that telegram came to the door
And it was taken and read right there
I still remember the words on that paper that day
As with the family they did quietly share
“We regret to inform you and with sadness in our heart”
“Your hero has been unaccounted for”
“We have exhausted all our searching powers”
Once again my tears from my eyes did pour
I looked back over the days of waiting
When again that hero would hold me in their arm
And protect me like they did the country
Defending it from all that meant it harm
But this was never to be right now
As this hero was out there somewhere lost
And they had paid the ultimate price
Their life as they had known it, this cost
Now I will never forget them
As I remember them each and every day
And the greatest sacrifice of all
That they were asked to pay
To have a final closing to this nightmare
And to at least know what happened there
So that an end could be to this burden
That this country all must share
So I sit here with wonder in my mind so deep
As away the thoughts would not go
And I had just one question to ask the leader of this land
Tell me, “Where is my Hero?”

© Tall Mountain Dreamer November 4, 2000


There they sit like an animal in a cage
Some will be kept all alone
All their family and their friends
And things they have cherished are now gone
They stood in defense of freedom
And gallantly answered their country’s call
And now they were being kept against their will
By a wire reinforced wall
They still will not violate what is sacred
And the secrets of the country they defend
They will take these and many other feelings
With them in secrecy to the very end
Many times they will be tortured
And tried to persuade that this country does not care
But the strengths that they have deep within
They know back home their pain we do share
Many count away the days of time
Keeping track as best that they can
Hoping someday this nightmare will be over
And they can be back home, down to every last man
Many lives will be lost in these camps
As disease and hunger will get a few
But still the others hold their heads high with pride
Proud that they could defend me and you
They ask no pity for what they face right now
And they know that the fight will be long
But they can make it to the end and be free
If they can only find the will to be strong
Many will search for ways to escape from this hell
And be free to rejoin the ones they know are friends
But first they will consider what the act will cause others
Leaving, greatly on this depends
Then one day they find they are released
And free to go back to where they want to be
In the arms of loved and cherished ones
Back home in the USA beside you and me
Many of the memories of what they endured
Are forever buried way down deep inside
But the pain can be seen etched on their face
As deep in their thoughts these memories will forever reside
So now I beg of all out there that hold these heroes
And won’t let them be free anymore
Stop this senseless torture of all our great heroes
And let them once again step onto our great shore
And yes you people that sit back here in peace
And rejoice in all the freedoms that you now have
Remember those that so proudly went
And with honor all that they gave

© Tall Mountain Dreamer November 8, 2000

The MIA’s We Left

You hear that faint and lonesome plea
Coming from somewhere in the trees
Asking for us to save their souls
They are begging for our help please
Swallowed up by the woods around
Or just simply vanishing without a trace
These braves soldiers fighting a battle on this land
Their souls never can we replace
They are lost to us and no one knows
When they will be seen again by us
But searching for these war heroes left behind
By our country is a certain must
It could be they were blown apart
By a bomb or mine that exploded near by
Or they were taken by the enemy
To a place far away, where lonely they will die
For those who have stood brave in battle
Now their greatest odds they must fight
But all of us who are still free
Will surely feel this soldiers plight
Never do they whimper or complain
About the twist of fate that they endure
But bravely they hold themselves together
And wait to be found by us once more
Many days pass them slowly by as they listen and wait
Hoping to hear news that they have been found
And will be returned back to their country
And can once again step onto our country’s hallowed ground
Suddenly they hear those faint words at night
Come home with us you are free
In their mind they get up and follow them back
But only a dream can this be
As the light of the next day has now come
And there still they patiently wait some more
And with each passing of the days
Their hope grows smaller and smaller
Though these people are only soldiers
And really have no claim to fame
They sit silently waiting to be returned to a country
That doesn’t even remember, not one name
So let us not forget the ones that still live
Somewhere in a distant land
But lets stand up together and open our arms of welcome
Down to each and every very last man

© Tall Mountain Man November 8, 2000

The Soul In A Bracelet

One band of silver metal bent but not complete
On it is inscribed a name and number of a soul not here
My wearing that cold band of metal each day
Gives me memories of one from my past, so dear
This band of metal is not complete
As a piece of it is lost out there somewhere
No one knows what has happened to this soul
And in this loss all of their loved ones will share
Each day I look at this band in memory
I think of this heroes name that I see
One who went when his country did call
Protecting our rights so we could be free
They knew not that this trip would be the one
That would take them forever from the loved ones here
Just knowing that they went in support of this country
And everything a great patriot holds so dear
The gap of metal that is now missing
Reminds me of this hero that has been lost
And of all the memories I have of that one
My heart must now pay a terrible cost
There are many other bands like the one that I wear
They are all of heroes of this great land
Heroes that have paid the ultimate price
They represent them all, woman and man
At times I sit and wonder by myself
Wondering what could have happened to keep them away
A land that most of us would never get to know
But a place that would keep a loved on so far away
Some links that are missing will be found
As some are found as home their remains will come
Making that missing link finally go away
Finally bringing closure and peace to some
Many prayers have been said by those of us
Who still in these heroes remember them with pride
Knowing that in our memories they still are
And in our hearts they will always reside
My fingers running across the name and number etched there
Brings back sadness that I will always have
Now no more tears of this person do I shed
As I know they would want me to be brave
The name and number I see there
Are all that they are known by across this land
But silently in remains or alive they wait
Down to every last one they make no demand
So the band I take care of as if it was their soul
And with pride I wear it each and every day
Because seeing this everyone will see and understand
That I will never let this heroes memories fade away
So please take a minute to pause and remember
Though gone, these we can not forget
The ones that can and will never be lost
As I see their Soul In This Bracelet

© Tall Mountain Dreamer February 10, 2001

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