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Flower Power!!

There is a Language in the flowers, Next time you get flowers check it out!

(Sorry for any spelling mistakes!)

Acacia: friendship. "I value our friendship very much."

Almond blossom: unwelcome advances. "Your attentions are displeasing to me."

Apple blossom: admiration. "You are both beautiful and worthy of respect."

Azalea: caution. "Be careful we are not seen together."

Bluebell: constancy. "I will be faithful to you."

Buttercup: riches. "all I own I will share with you."

Camellia: courage. "Be brave in adversity"

Campion: love after dark. "Meet me at dusk."

Carnation: -pink- encouragement. "Thank you for your token/gift, it was welcome."

-red- intense love. "I must see you again soon. Your absence is too painful to bear."

-striped- refusal. "I can't see you again."

-white- affection. "I have fond feelings for you."

-yellow- disdain. "You have proved unworthy of my affection."

Cherry blossom: growth. "May our love grow a little each day."

Chrysanthemum: -brown- friendship. "Let us still be friends, even if our love has faded."

-red- passion. "I love and desire you."

-yellow- discouragement. "My heart belongs to another."

-white- truth. "I will never lie to you."

Clover: fortune. "May luck and health shine on you."

Crocus; youthful gladness. "You make me feel young again."

Daffodil. regrets. "I am sorry, can we try again?"

Daisy: innocence. "You are my first real love."

Jasmine: dreams of desire. "I desire you night and day."

Lavender: love returned. "I love you too."

Pansies: fond memories. "Remeber the happy times we spent together."

Poppy: sleep. "Life will seem better tomorrow."

Rose: pink- shyness. "I am afraid to show my feelings."

red- love. "I love you with all my heart."

white- silence. "Our love must remain a secret."

wild- distant admiration. "I love you from afar."

yellow- envy. "I am jealous."

Snowdrop: consolation. "At least we have each other."

Sunflower: obsession with money. "You can't buy my love."

Tulip: mixed colours- beauty. "Your eyes hold my soul."

red- declaration of love. "I want to tell the world how much I love you."

yellow- unrequited love. "Do you not care for me at all?"

Violet: Trust. "I will not betray you."

If there are more flowers you would like to see here or would like a bunch of flowers you've recieved 'translated' then e-mail me or write it in the guest book and amendations will be quickly made!
