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Me, Myself and I !!

Top 3 things I like about Matthew

Hi there!! This is all about moi! If you don't give one about me..which many people do!..then go onto another page of mine and do sweet f.a! I'm a happy, spontanious person who doesn't work v.hard in lessons, is bad at french, maths, english, Biology, chemistry and spelling in general.

I have a boyfriend called Matthew and he is wonderful and sweet!! I go to a good school and I go out all the time. I'm short on money though. Damn!

I've been a witch for years and I teach two people. Hi there if you're reading this!!

I have five friends at the moment Bean, Sabs, Vix, Clewett and Louis. They're kewl! Hi guys if you're there. Chances are they're not though. Clewett might be.

Does anyone out there like Vic Reeves? I do...mmmmm. But my boyfriend is just lovely.

Does anyone hate Sclub7? If you do then join Beans club. Type in DeathtoSclub7 in the search engine she says or try writing to her club, it might work. it might not work if you're not a member but you never know.

I spend a lot of time on so maybe we'll meet in there sometime. I call myself Tina!! WOW!! That's all for now I guess.

Matthew and I have been going out for...

4 months 4 weeks 0 days

(29/10/00) but who's counting

Is he the cutest or wot!

I like vampires they fascinate me!