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These arn't just Food recipes they're also


Hi there, if you're a baking, making kinda witch then take a look at the following items, I didn't invent these and make no claim as to have. Believe me...if I had I'd tell you in huge letters. I will be putting my own creations in here but not today!!

Crescent Cakes

yeah~ in nearlly every book about Wicca you get this famous recipe, I'll post all the copies of this I can find in case of slight alterations and hopefully lack of almonds.

You'll need:~

1 cup of finely ground almonds

1 and a quarter cups of flour

Half a cup of confectioner's sugar

2 drops almond extract

Half a cup of butter, softened

1 egg yolk

What to do (or method):~

Combine almonds, flour, sugar and extract until thoroughly mixed. With the hands (yuck!!), work in butter and egg yolk until well blended. Chill dough. Pre-heat the oven to 325 degrees F. (the minute I find out what celsius and gas mark is I'll post it okay?!?) Pinch off pieces of dough about the size of walnuts and shape into cresents. PLace on a greased baking tray and bake for about 20 minutes . Serve during the simple feast, moon ceremony or Esbat, or at your grans tea party on Sunday, whenever!! (This is kinda obvious but since Scott Cunningham didn't mention this I'll just say that this is not suitable for nut allergy sufferers!! DUH!!)

Here is a recipe I love I made them and they're delicious.

Ginger biscuits. 175g (6oz) plain flour with a pinch of salt

100g (4oz) caster sugar

75g (3oz) margarine

2 table spoons of maple syrup

2 tsps of ginger

1/2 tsp of bicarbonate of soda

1. Sieve dry ingredients.

2. Melt margarine and syrup, add to dry ingredients.

3. Roll out thinly on a floured surface and cut into shapes with a metal cutter, or cut numbers and initials with a sharp knife.

4. Prick lightly with a fork, bake on a greased baking sheet for 10 to 12 minutes until golgen brown at 180 degrees celcius, 350 degrees farenhite, gas mark 4

5. Cool on a wire rack.

Danish Orange Cake

100g (4oz) caster suger

100g (4oz) margarine

100g (4oz) s.r flour

2 standard eggs

1. Grease a 20cm (8") cake tin.

2. Cream together sugar and margarine.

3. Beat eggs and add them and the flour to the creamed mixture.

4. Bake for 20 minutes at 190c, 375f, Gas mark 5. While the cake is baking make the sauce.


2 oranges

1 lemon

1 teacup of sugar

1. Squeeze the juice of the oranges and the lemon.

2. Add the sugar and boil until slightly syrupy.

3. Leave the cake in baking tin and pour the syrup over it.

4. Leave the cake for a few days before eating it.


To make incenses simply grind the indredients and mix them together. As you mix sense their energies. Burn on charcoal blocks in the censer during ritual.

Circle Incense

4 parts Francincense

2 parts Myrhh,

2 parts Benzoin

1 part Sandalwood

Half part Cinnamon

Half part Rose petals

Quarter part vervain

Quarter part Rosemary

Quarter part Bay

Burn for all types of rituals and spells.

Altar Incense

3 parts Frankincense,

2 parts Myrrh,

1 part Cinnamon

Burn as a general incense on the altar to purify it and to promote ritual awareness.

Full Moon Ritual Incense 2 parts Sandalwood

2 parts frankincense

Half part Gardenia petals

quarter part Rose petals

a few drops of ambergris oil

Spring Sabbat Incense 3 parts Frankincense

2 parts Myrhh

1 part Rosemary

1 part Cedar

1 part Juniper

For the Spring Sabbat.

The above incenses were all from books I have and desired to impart upon you. Thanks to Scott Cunningham even though you are sadly dead. The following incenses were created by me!

Goddess Offering Oil

18ml of alcohol with little to no scent

3 drops of white musk oil

3 drops of vanilla oil

3 drops of peach oil

1 drop of carnation oil

Tip of a vanilla pod

Shake well and hold to a full moon and absorb the lunar energies!

God Offering Oil

18ml of scentless alcohol

7 drops of cinnamon oil

piece of cinnamon twig

juniper berry


shake well and hold to the sun (for obvious reasons don't look at the sun it's not good for you!) to impart solar energies!

Beltane Incense

To be made at midnight on the 30th April (Beltane)

(A measure may be any measure you wish but keep one measure the same through out, e.g if you decide that 1 measure is 1 ounce then 2 measures must be 2 ounces!)

1 measure of wild cherry bark

1/2 measure of mistletoe

1 measure of sandlewood

1/2 measure of violet leaves

2 measures of red rose petals

1 measure of lavender

2 drops of vanilla oil

Mix them together while saying:

Lord and Lady from above

Bless this with your Beltane love

Wealth and health and happiness

o'er this incense oh please bless.

Luck Spell (for exams) Being a teenager myslef I understand how nerve racking exams are, so I composed this incense for two frinds of mine to help with their exam revision. They passed incidently!!

2 measures of rose petals - luck

1/2 measure of mint - luck

1/2 measure of cinnamon - uplifting

1 measure of lavender - long life, quiet sleep

1/2 measure of mugwort - strength

2 drops of cedarwood oil - composing

It should smell wonderful and really help you study!

N.B~ You seem to have to be rich to make these incenses, nearlly all the ones I've seen have contained Frankincense, Myrhh or even Goldenrod, all of which are extreemely expensive, so I don't think it matters if you alter the incenses to your economy. Do you?

If you would like the recipe for a specific incense posted on this page or sent to you personally then either write your request in the guest book or send me an e-mail using the address below.
