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When witches wanted to store power they used to raise it and then trap it by making knots in cord. To make your own power cord for a specific reason think about what it is you want and concentrate on it. Then get a piece of cord long enough for nine knots in it and thick enough to be able to undo them again if you so wish.

Here is a knot rhyme to say for each one:

Knot one so true my power renew,

knot two in courage and valour be and so

knot three, my power be more when I make knot four,

and to live long knot five be strong

my fate’s not fixed I tie knot six

My might I leaven and tie knot seven,

I lessen hate and so knot eight,

My will divine within knot nine.

At the end you can say “So mote it be” “Bless it be” “So be it” or anything you prefer and pull the chord tight. You can use it as a belt for your robe if it is long enough or keep it as a talisman.

Here is a simple spell to protect your home from Intruders

I have heard of one of these which consisted of urinating in a jam jar full of nails and if you were female urinating in it and adding menstrual blood. I do not suggest doing this as it is pointless and a little alarming. Instead this one is much more hyginic.

Fill an old iron box with iron nails and a key from your house, not a door key as that would be a little silly but perhaps a cupboard key or the key to an old chest. Then sprinkle with Rosemary, Rue and Fennel and add a twig of Rowan ash if possible. Wrap the key in red cotton or wool and say these words:

Key that symbolises my home

Shelter of things I love or own

Protect from those with dark intent

Who are with greed and evil bent

from North or South or East or West

Never falter, never rest

Bind with iron chains this place

With safety, strong and angels grace

Those with dark hearts shy away

But those of love may come and stay.

Close the box and lock it, either by a key or by wrapping it in an iron chain. If you use a padlock on the chain or on the box lock it and throw away the key. At night on the waning moon bury it in the garden and do not mark where it is buried so you’ll forget where it is. If you don’t have a garden put it on a high shelf, in the basement or loft/attic. Thus the spell is done. My thought on the matter is it would be extra efficient if you have a burglar alarm too!

Here is a spell for ending a bad habit:-

I'm trying to give up smoking very much so I'm going to use this...

1) Fill a large pot wiht earth and plant some fragrent flower or herb like hyacinths, lavender, eau de cologne, mint or lemon balm. The fragrance is important.

2) As you plant it say with your inner voice or out loud:

"I sow with this plant/flower/herb the person I wish to become, free from compulsions. Every time I smell this fragrance I am strengthening my resolve and my own self-worth, which does not need stimulants nor soothing substances to survive and thrive."

3)Pat the earth with your hands 9 times as you say these or similar words.

4) When you find yourself smoking, eating or drinking at an inappropriate time or place, or overdoing it and endangering your health and well-being, take a single mouth full or inhalation and then shred or poor the offending item onto a plate and then put a tiny bit into the pot and say

"I bury this, that it may be taken by Mother Earth who will transform it through decay to new life."

5) Pause to smell the plant and say,

"I take with gratitude in return the fragrance of this plant as a reminder of what I wish to become."

6)Dispose of the rest of the shredded substance or pour away the liquid.

7)Next time you are tempted, pause to smell the fragrance before eating smoking or whatever and say inwardly,

"I take with gratitude this fragrance as a reminder of what i wish to become."

8)If you still can't resisit the temptation repeat the ritual, it possible avoiding even a taste of the substance. You may need other plantsin other places where you regularly smoke or over-eat.

Taken from "The Complete Guide to Magic and Ritual" by Cassandra Eason More spells will be coming this way a.s.a.p!!