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How to tell your Parents.

The Three Main Points on Telling them

Okay...begin by turning the topic of talk to witchcraft and get their veiws on it. See if you can gently give them the real side of the story. If you can turn them around a bit to saying

"Well, maybe it's not that bad then."

You can then clamly tell them

"The reason I know that witchcraft is a peaceful, nature loving religeon that excepts all the other religeons and is sweet and kind etc because I am one of those lovelly people."

basicaly. Work it around whats going on. If, sadly, your folks say things like

"Evil satanic people, burn them all, the power of christ compels you the power of christ compels you etc"

then chances are...DON'T TELL THEM!!!! For goodness sakes they'll kill you!! Wait til you can own a gun!! Ask the Lord and Lady to give them reasoning and understanding if they're REALLY harsh. If it doesn't work out explain

"Your religeon may work for you but I do not share your beliefs. I think as an individual I can choose my own religeon, your beliefs are your beliefs you can't force me to believe what you want that would not be faith that would be living a lie."

work that out to suit you.

"If you were truly forgiving you will let me do this and give me your blessings."

So I do hope you can tell your parents about your faith, I told mine and they were great, they remained Christian and even buy me herbs and give me orders for spells for their friends. If all parents were like mine the world would be a better place. I swear that would be true. All my love Wiccans I pray for you to be sucessful!!!