How to Make Spiritual Truths Living Realities Reality, in Itself, appears to the senses as an abstract quality but really all that we witness via the senses is our own "forming" or definition of what we believe the Truth to be. The Reality possesses no form of Itself because It is the Universal Everything - containing the essence of all Life within Itself.
We, as humans, give the Life form by our self-active participation in It's activities or expression.
The essence, or nature, of that which we call the Reality is known as the spiritual nature or qualities of Life such as Truth, Joy, Harmony, Peace, Power, Wholeness and Perfection and in very Truth we are actually in this True nature of Life already. We appear to be apart from the Natural or Real condition because we try to make opinions and suppositions about Life for ourselves and because as a seeming individual part of humanity we cannot possibly be right in assessing what the Whole is like.
Because, we, as humans, cannot possibly know the Complete Truth about Life we must always be wrong in our assumptions, therefore following the advice of those more experienced in knowing, we should seek to discover how we might bring to bear in our experiences that condition which is true of Life.
Whatever we seek, providing our motives are to know the truth, can be ours if we do not shirk in the seeking. Let us here then take, as an example, one who seeks to know "Harmony".
One might ask "How can one experience Harmony on this earth where everything appears to be the opposite?"
Humans have but a vague idea of what the true state of Harmony is, so it is of no help to try to imagine it. All we can do at this early stage is to desire sincerely to understand its true meaning. If we try to have opinions about it our experience will be only according to the nature of our beliefs; but these are only wishes and what Harmony is really like in one's experience will be fleeting if we try to arrange it by human means. Harmony is not really a condition as humans even hope it to be - for example one believes this state to be experienced as all one's affairs running smoothly and peaceful conditions existing between one's fellows. In fact it could appear entirely the opposite. The Truth is that we will experience the essence of Harmony whatever takes place in the objective world. In truth Harmony is the only law in respect to the real nature of the Universe. All that which is manifest, proceeding from the First Cause, if Cause it be, is in a perpetual state of Harmony and there can be no opposite condition in Reality.
If we feel that we are lacking Harmony in our lives we should stop trying to attain it and accept the truth that this is the Real State continually in being. The reason why it seems out of reach for us is that we are not accepting the universal truth regarding Life as it really is. When we are able to accept the discipline of pure living then harmony is the result. The orthodox churches teach that if one merely believes in their teachings it is sufficient but long experience has proved that this is another human failing. The founder of a more recent christian sect realised these ancient truths and taught her students to recognise God as the only Life and that Love was the Only Cause and that Harmony was the only Law and that the only Time is Now. To accept any other concept outside of this is error. A careful examination of such a statement reveals that mistakes in God's universe are an impossibility.
Our worries, hates, fears, prejudices and jealousies etc are the poisons of our own refusal to see and act in accordance with Divine Law. These are the shadows cast across the true experience of Life - of the Natural Harmony which is always in evidence and is incapable of being any different. Our "out of line" experiences are nothing more than illusions of living in a finite world. We see changes taking place; we see wars, crime and disease and believe all that to be the Real. Worldly-minded men believe this to be Life. "You have to face reality" they say, not understanding what really is the Truth. "We have to face the facts" says another, but then.....are facts the evidence of truth?
Answers to every human problem can be found in the scriptures provided we are willing to see and accept them. We would remind students that God's state is not realised on earth by ways designed or dreamed-up by humans. By giving up our own fancy ideas and by resting in that which is true already destroys all problems. There are no problems in Reality.
The Real World which is continually in being is unchangeable and imperishable. The forms in this world are the forms of Truth, beauty, peace, goodness, wholeness, purity, righteousness and deathlessness and mankind embodies, or expresses, these qualities and cannot be separated from the Universal Consciousness because he dwells within It. Earth has been described as God's "footstool". This describes the space-time condition of man in his dream-state. Being situated at the "footstool" of our great PRIEST-KING we, as His sons, should show our devotion by following the laws of our very own kingdom in which we dwell as priests of His Light forever.
The Buddha taught that everything is Real - even that which we are doing at this moment. The illusion lies in the wrong thinking about it. Thus - even the appearance of an illusion does not exist.
Look up in the New Testament Romans chap 8 v 35 - 39; chap 12 v 1 - 3; chap 13 v 1 - 2 and 9 - 10; chap 14 v 14 and 17. Here are pointers which are being overlooked by many truth-seekers today.
The World Teacher is the Universal Truth revealing Itself to man. It is a Divine Principle expressing Itself as the sum total of all the world's teachers. It is no particular man. The Great Teachers such as Gautama, Jesus, Mohammed, Moses and Paul etc are really only the expressions of the WORD ITSELF. (See John 1). No individual can be the only one sole conveyer of Universal Truth and in spite of all the efforts of the different Teachers to explain this point, the organised religions have clung to a personification of the revealed Word. Since the scriptures declare that "flesh cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven" how comes it that the "Word became flesh"? A contradiction occurs when one tries to personify the Truth. In 2 Corinthians chap 5 v 16 is a very revealing fact. Because flesh is always associated with evil, or error, it would be impossible for the Truth to be revealed in error (see v 6). The "Christ" or "Messiah" then, is not, neither can it be, a personality but a Divine Principle - the Eternal Nature of Life. That which is True now, was true in the beginning, if there ever was a beginning. No change could ever take place in an Eternal State of Divine Love. The healing and restoration of man's seeming "lost birthright" was possible at any time by accepting God's "commandments" if one understands the Old Testament correctly. The "Messiah" was revealed in Moses' time. To believe that God revealed Himself to man only two thousand years ago is a gross error and a misunderstanding of His eternal nature.
------------------------------------------------- End note
This paper was written in the 60's, and as is usual for those times any reference to man or men equally includes women. There are no gender inequalities in our potential to express the Divine Principle within.
School of Universal Mind