Introduction and ExplanationThe essence of this School's teaching is very simple, even though at times it can appear complex. Grasping the simplicity like a "penny dropping" allows the student to override previous conditioning whatever its source - home, church, community or state.
Once grasped, its ramifications may seem endless, yet this is again largely determined by the mind and reactions of the student, as we are only really capable of receiving any information at the "stage we are at". We interpret what we receive depending on our state of mind or level of consciousness. Unless the teacher and student are reasonably aligned in terms of consciousness, they will have their "wires crossed" and authentic communication and understanding cannot take place.
In a way then, this School is an experiment by putting certain study material "out there", and following up with further explanation and clarification when requested. The danger of assumption is large, but perhaps no larger than papers sent out in the post, which is the origin of much of the School's material. Much of this material was written for a specific audience, and this needs to be taken into account. However, the audience changed and material was reused in different contexts. This then should not be a barrier to absorbing the nutrition here presented.
The basis of the study material comes predominantly from two established teachers who worked closely together, and therefore its authenticity was "cross-checked" in their own lives and the lives of all their associates. Permission has been granted to pass this on, which is a serious undertaking. Deliberately pursuing the Path of Light is a most critical human activity (some would say the most important of all - as the whole point of human evolution), and therefore we are passing on this material as an act of support in a very troubled phase of human life, to all those who are intent on "self" or "spiritual" development.
With those words we immediately enter the problems of definition and a useful vocabulary, especially if there is no personal contact.
The basis of our teaching is as follows -
The solar system within which we live is actually the body of an intelligence
We can refer to this intelligence as the Solar Consciousness or the Universal Mind
This Consciousness is in fact the only Consciousness, and life forms reflect varying degrees of It
Fully evolved human beings "contain" this Consciousness It-self in full and in the flesh on earth
There is a set pattern to successfully achieve this expanded consciousness that any sincere person can follow, whatever their starting point, and this pattern is inherent in the solar system Itself ie it is a natural process
This pattern has been taught over and over by evolved human beings in varying cultural settings, and has been much resisted by vested interests
The successful "voluntary" achievement of this Consciousness by all human beings is eminently possible and will mark the close of one phase of our existence, and the start of another
Most of the vocabulary used by teachers of this evolutionary pattern has been that of religion and non-materialist philosophy, which is now fraught with difficulty. And yet it is extremely difficult to work with this material without straying into such vocabulary, even if the concepts are different. This can lead us straight into the difficult dynamics surrounding "religion" that exist for us all at the moment. Usefully, the advent of quantum physics seems to have loosened our thinking again, and made the concept of "a conscious universe" easier to accept, with life flowing outwards from the non-material to the material.
If there is any advice to be offered, it is to absorb the material presented while laying aside thought of labels or religious dynamics, as we know that ultimately these dynamics are false. We are all in (or on) the same boat, as it were. These teachings are designed to help get you to where you aspire to be, no more and no less. If you apply them in everyday life to your thoughts, words and deeds then all questions will be answered - the proof of the pudding etc.
Community and Confidentiality
Because this work (study and its application to real life) takes us away from accepted norms, it can very easily be perceived as marginal or even without a sound basis (or sanity). In a real way this is the reason for working in supportive groups with a teacher who is present and who can ensure members stay grounded.
We all have to start where we are though, and we can pursue this teaching without changing any outward circumstances, or being judged by them.
People are becoming less and less inclined to join groups, and networking is all these days. Whilst it can be important to have a teacher present, it is more important to discover an authentic stream of teaching. We are more individual today too, so we offer our contact initially via email. The teaching is designed to help you work internally, and not to impose an ideology or world-view or any mental/emotional constraint - this Path is an inner path, and any attempt to insert a barrier between you and your Inner Consciousness is completely unacceptable to us (being the reverse of our intention), and to any authentic teacher. Always the teaching - never the teacher.
Are we then trying to build a community? Yes, that would be a positive outcome, and then students could support one another in our primary aim of facilitating inner contact and reunion with the Universal Mind.
We will always protect confidentiality. As this material can be personally challenging, students must be given the space to explore themselves without fear of ridicule or exposure.
This applies equally to those engaged in the running of the School and web site, as they are in ordinary occupations, dealing with the same sensitivities.
Ideas for the construction of a "community of interest" are gratefully accepted.
If you develop an interest in our site, it would be delightful to hear a little about you. Whilst these teachings are impersonal, we do not wish to be cold in our approach to you, and would welcome contact. In this way we can develop the site accordingly.
Your own sincerity will take you to the heart of Yourself, and never forget the Ultimate Community is already in existence!
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