I AM the Creator.
I Created All.
I live in My Creation
because I wish it.
I play many parts
and “forget” Myself.
I create many beings
and watch them grow.
I tend them like a
precious collection of
……what? A family.
I create and nurture
My Children. I put My
very Life into them.
I laid down very
simple rules (such
that children may understand).
I gave them Myself. Therefore
they ARE MYSELF. This is a
hard idea for some to grasp.
They can do what I can
do. Originally as children
of course. Growth is a
hard time. Reality is a
strange beast to accept.
Yet I am here always
and it does not have
to be hard. Just follow
the rules and it will
be easy.
What have they done?
They have done what
they can do. They have
created and then given
their creations power
over them. They have
created illusion and
then lived within it.
Their power is My Power.
Time was a great
trap. Time created mortality.
Mortality creates fear
and fear creates chains.
They are the great
chain-gang of the
Universe; endlessly
chipping away at the rocks
of despair.
Death cannot save them
for death does not exist.
It too is a creation made
by children (and by time).
To kill death is to kill
time. And this is what
they are simply doing
- killing time. And yet
it is proving a very
strong adversary. To give
life to an illusion and
then try to kill it
simply sustains it. It
has to be recognised
as an “artificial” creation.
Then it can be used
or put aside.
Once time has been
put aside or dissolved
death follows.
So – what happens after death?
Nothing. The illusion continues
until My child returns to
the chain-gang. What a
term of hard labour!
Life continues.
Eventually, a remembrance
occurs. Oh what joy!!
From out of the murky
depths a shining light
ignites and dispels the
illusions around itself.
It realises that it is ME.
It leaves the
self-created environment
of illusions. It snaps the
chains that bind it to
the others and it
bursts free. My child
is like a flower bursting
through the dark earth,
like a brilliant explosion
in space. Like a nuclear
bomb. My child, My own
Self, My created protégé
explodes into the regions
of Life from the region
of delusion.
Why do I not rescue
My others from this state?
My Power is their power.
Their chains are their chains.
What they (I) have created
they (I) must uncreate.
I am not a cruel Parent.
I am Justice. I am Love.
I am all around. Children
of the Parent must work
this out for themselves
for there is no other.
Their power is My Power.
There is no bigger or
greater than what there
is – Life. Others help but
self-education is self-education.
The chain-gang is a great
self-help group. Its members
are the gang, the
guards, the prison, the
victims, the innocent,
the system, the rocks
and the chains themselves.
If the gang, the guards,
the victims and the innocent
really did perform as a
self-help group, the
prison, the system, the
rocks and the chains would
disappear. All the members are
present: they are all performing.
The outcome is as it is.
You see how it cannot
be changed by divine
The gods are at work
and the creation manifests.
Enjoy the great escape.
This is a prison which I
am overjoyed to see a
child escape from.
Be part of the great
Burst free from
time, from death,
from illusory chains.
Be My child. Follow
the rules. See how they
work for your benefit.
How All works harmoniously.
Then a star is born.
Be a star. Shine a
Light which will
penetrate the depths
of self-made ignorance
and loneliness.
Pierce the gloom with
arrows of Light. Send
burning spears of fire
into the darkness so
that your brothers and
sisters may see the
Light and make their
own escape. When all
have left, it will
be a paradise on
earth. I will walk
abroad with My
* * * * *