Selected Writings,
Richard, Duc de Palatine
You don't have an Immortal Soul - you are an Immortal Soul, which has a mortal physical body! Man has a Divine Soul which is the Real Man. In order that you may become a human being, the Soul dies to its own region and is born in this earthly region within the Tomb of Matter in the valley of death - our earth life.
The Soul only puts a portion of its life into the tomb, but it still remains a Soul.
The Soul of Man is he "who is without father, without mother, without beginning or end of days".
The Soul is then the sum total of all its earthly experiences which it gains life after life in the various tombs of matter. This means that the Essence of each life is absorbed by the Soul. This is the method whereby the Divine Soul is able to unfold its latent God-Potential.
When the Soul has developed to a certain point, it seeks to take over its human counterpart, and if the human counterpart is willing to allow this to happen, then the Soul descends fully into the personality and vouchsafes to it, its Wisdom.
The man then becomes an Illuminated Soul - a Master Among Men.
You are the Prodigal Son Lucifer is God's eldest son (Man), who left his Father's house to seek for freedom and the Man Lucifer descends the realms on his journey from the East, seeking dangers on the way.
He is abandoned in matter and puts on a robe of flesh and does eat the food of the world, and forgets his high mission.
Repentance makes him change his mind and turn to higher things.
An eagle then descends upon him giving him comfort from his Divine Soul, and he remembers that he is a Son of God.
He stirs in his tomb of flesh in the valley, and as he wakes he has to lull the serpent of his own animal nature which guards the road to the Summit.
He slays the serpent and turns his face towards the Mount, and then journeys eastward.
During this journey he fights and conquers three Demon Knights and upon winning the last battle with the Knight of Doubt, he is given the glorious Robe of the Soul which he had left behind in his Father's House.
The human soul, which is now unified with his Divine Soul, is now placed higher than his brother-souls who have been lost in the valley and are waiting to be found.
He re-descends into the Valley of Death and strikes off the chains of his brother-souls and shows them the way home.
Development "in the flesh"? True spiritual knowledge has nothing to do with the conditions of the life beyond the grave, and in fact there is no scientific proof acceptable to the thinking man which would allow him to know with surety that there is a life-existence beyond the grave.
If we think on this vital question, we will immediately realise that we are chasing a mirage and that in seeking this mirage, we are neglecting our duties here in the body.
In reality, therefore, the only life of which we have any experience is this very life of which we are now conscious.
Surely the very fact we are born into a mortal body should make it dawn upon our selfish mind that it is only in the body that any form of spiritual knowledge can be directed and applied. applied.
Pragmatic Karma If a man were permitted to see his future - the working out of the myriads of deposits with which he has programmed his human computer, he would object to what he may see, and struggles against the great Stream of Energy in the Naught.
If a man were permitted to know the many ways in which he has programmed his computer in the past, he would consider this present time useless and his hope for the future would be non-existent for him - life would become a bore and with no apparent purpose for him.
One can see the wisdom of the Adepts in not permitting the normal man to witness the actions of his past for fear that it would interfere with the working out of this present life, and the wisdom too of veiling his eyes to the future events which he himself has programmed to take place.
Ripple in the Pond It is only when a man can hold his mind steady, coupled with his developed will, and above all reduce his turbulent mind to quietude - and try to keep this state of mind without thinking of it, will his Essential Soul and Consciousness assert Itself through the personality.
He must ever keep in mind pure and noble thoughts, and by thinking that kind of mental activity, the nobler and happier he will be.
Therefore, it is by the directive effort of his mind to create around him these very conditions, will he allow the Soul to carry him Towards Immortality.
It is evil to permit the animal mind to run riot and do evil to himself and to others, therefore it is the duty of every man or student for Immortality to develop his will-power and his thought-power, because by means of their mental efforts a vast amount of good can be done; he can and will by his own innate Soul-Power bring to others the Light of Themselves, and thus help them Towards Immortality.
School of Universal Mind