The Elohim © School of Universal Mind
We are informed that in the beginning God made Man in his own image and likeness - "male and female created he them".
The word Elohim is an Hebrew word for the Creator – the God who created everything. Thus we gather that the God who created the whole universe possessed the ability to bring forth all creation from within himself, and since he also made females, he must also possess the female nature.
The word Elohim must describe a God with an androgyne nature since the term androgyne denotes being of a balanced masculine and feminine nature; or dual - hence the ability to bring forth manifested forms from within Itself.
Modern religionists also call this God Father/Mother because it reflects the complete qualities of a full and rich quality of parenthood. – caring for all that It has created, and is aware of everything within It's own sphere of nurturing.
In the light of this truth our Divine Parent never brought forth anything harmful for us, but created us with everything that we need for balanced living. We only have to study the scriptures in certain places to find out that our Father/Mother Parent placed all our needs on this planet for our physical, mental and spiritual well being.
The ancients knew and understood this knowledge, and were able to record these truths in their records now known as the scriptures. The reason why these things are written in the way they are is because all their knowledge was sacred and respected. Everything that was created was beautiful, holy and pure, and was treated as such. This is why they were able to create noble buildings that still stand today for us to marvel at.
In the orient we can discover that similar records are revered, and there are sects that still preserve practices akin to the belief that if they reconstruct their activities along the lines that the natural universe works that they also will come to manifest the balanced nature of the Creator.
The oriental people believe that there are androgyne gods within the complete organism of the galaxy, and someday in the future, they too will grow into the same beauty and with the same magnificence as their parent.
There is a truth contained in this belief, but because some of this knowledge has become corrupt there are some who have become tainted by a wrong understanding of this ancient teaching. However, the truth is still available, but is guarded by it's protectors who have enabled it to be preserved from further corruption.
According to the esoteric side of the spiritual teaching there are nine orders, or systems, of beings within the Solar structure of manifestation. These nine orders come directly within the domain of the Elohim, or creator gods.
In the eastern philosophies some of these creator beings are known as the Yab Yum deities, and are described as the Bodhisattvas and their Saktis, or Shaktis. These beings are able to bring into manifestation certain energies that help to forge the androgyne gods into existence from the mortal realms by means of their extraordinary powers to transmute the masculine and feminine energies into a system whereby the power of the Ultimate Love is conveyed to mortals – in order that those who have traversed The Way are able to develop their potential god powers and enter into the realm of the gods, and thereto to dwell with them, and to become workers along with them.
After all, since the human foetus is female whilst in the early stages of its growth in the womb, the androgyne nature is inherent.
This process is part of the natural scheme within the cosmos that enables the lower beings to traverse the spiral of development. Some of these beings, the spiritual androgynes, are already here within the secret schools to initiate those who are suitable into the discipline necessary to bring about the change.
The ancient mysteries are not lost, they have been protected by the Guardians whose task it is to prevent the teachings from being corrupted by mortal thought. We should point out here that there are no awards or merits in the natural growth of everything, including mankind. All creatures proceed according to where they appear in the natural scale of intelligent cognition. There are no favours for teachers, masters or angelic beings.
All creatures exist under a beneficent influence, and all creatures grow and share in the natural and caring community of a Divine Life.
From experience we have learned that it is possible to view our mortal selves through the eyes of the Elohim. This experience teaches us to work a little harder to grow into maturity because, from their level, humans on this planet appear to be developed only to an adolescent state. In the Christian Scriptures, the Epistle to the Hebrews, we are admonished to leave the basics and to grow to maturity- or perfection. Being as it may – a more advanced state in the growth of mankind is required by the message given. (Hebrews 6; 1- 6).
This Epistle hints at certain types of growth, or service, necessary for mankind to develop into fully mature godlike creatures – acting and experiencing the things that the Father/Mother God would have them do. After all, if man is truly in the likeness of God – why does he not believe that he can develop into a being like his Father in Heaven? Disbelief is no answer to that which is possible. The teaching would not be here if it were not possible to achieve!
We admit that the language used is quaint and difficult to understand, but the truth is there to be found!
We cannot possibly develop into maturity whilst our minds and hearts are crammed full of useless and soul-destroying information. If, therefore, we strongly desire to be like unto our Father in heaven we really need to make strong moves to do something about it, even for our own sakes, should we be dissatisfied with our present experiences, for the ways of this world are wide apart from the Reality – that is there in another dimension of human experience. The Judaic races, along with the Christians, pray daily for "Thy Kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven". This will not happen if we do not follow the right principles that enable it to happen, for the entire universe operates in a certain way, that is based upon the principles that the great teachers have taught us to follow, and nobody can change it.
The Elohim then are our star guardians, teachers and carers who are constantly working to get through to us the correct ways for living – or might we say – the way that will bring us fulfilment and satisfaction during the brief spell we spend here.
They will inform us by way of dreams, people we meet, the things we come up against during our daily routines, and much more. We should try to become aware of what life, itself, is trying to teach us. We can get help from the teachers of true doctrines who do not exploit us in our seeking. The true teachers do not charge fees, for all of God's Truth is given freely to us, along with numerous other benefits that are placed on our way to help.
School of Universal Mind