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<<< Handy Dandy Notebook: July 2002 >>>

July 22, 2002: Well a lot has happened since the last entry. I was planning on driving down to Kenosha on Sunday the 14th to help my grandma out around the house while my grandpa was in the hospital recovering from hip surgery. My mom left a message on Friday the 12th saying that I should pack because we were going to Kenosha that afternoon. So I ended up going down 2 days earlier than planned and just drove the Regal instead of the New Yorker. That night my friend Nick went to a party after he got home from work. He called later and wanted to be picked up. Apparently he was bored there. Krystal went along for the ride and was showing me her silly side. Oh well, it was still fun. My sister and mom left the next day. I had simple, daily chores around my grandma's house: water the flowers, watch the dogs while she was gone. Simple enough. I also mowed the lawn and took her shopping one day. The rest of the time was pretty much free time. It seemed like I was out and about more than I was at my grandma's, but she said that was okay. I can't really think of a whole lot that happened that week. We just cruised around in the Regal usually and chilled at someone's house. I still had a lot of fun and it was kind of a bummer to leave. It is good to be back home, least for awhile.

July 10, 2002: I came online at about 3 today and this girl that I barely know IMed me under MSN. We had talked one time before but that was it. Anyway she asked me to click this URL she sent me and take some "love test". I told her I was not really into that stuff, but I would do it anyway (I was bored). So anyway I answered a few questions, some of which were pretty personal. With a click of a button, I found out that I had been pranked. All that information that I had entered was sent to her through e-mail. HA, real funny. Now she knows stuff about me that she shouldn't. I hope she is happy that I am ashamed of myself for falling for such a stupid trick. Oh well, I'll quit my whinin' now.

July 8, 2002: Well even though yesterday was Sunday it was pretty fun. I awoke at 9:45 in the morning to hear my dad greeting someone at the door. I was not sure who it was and thought about going back to sleep. Then I heard my Uncle Bud's voice along with my Aunt Marsha's so I went upstairs. It was them along with my cousin Sammy. They were on their way back from Shawano and decided to stop in. They ended up staying until 5 which was great. The weather was awesome so we were in the pool a lot of the time. I got to take my dad's new truck to Subway so I could get everyone lunch. It was yummy (whoa, fem word!) as always. Let's see, I thought I had something else to write about. Oh yeah, today I got to wake up at 7:30 and take my sister to summer school. I get to repeat this every weekday for the next 3 or 4 weeks. How exciting. Oh well, I can't wait to go to Kenosha on the 19th. Ought to be fun. And besides, I get to drive the Regal!

July 5, 2002: Whaaa my dad is sellin' old blue (1990 Chevy Scottsdale K-1500). A couple of months ago I would not have cared, but I kind of got attatched to it. I really like driving it and it is just a good truck. Well at least my dad let me be the last one to drive it when it had to be brought over to Brooks Oil. I got the tires to chirp and swung it around the corner with some rewarding squawks, for old times sake. Of course the replacement is nice (1996 Chevy Silverado Z71). It just is not the same, though. Oh well. Tonight I think I am going to go to my dad's friend's house because he has $1000 worth of fireworks (and this guy is quite the pyro too)! Ought to be fun. Oh how could I forget, I finally got the re-design finished for <<< Adam Online >>> on Monday. I think I am going to get rid of Wisconsin Teens or hand it over to someone else. That way I can devote more time to this website and add content constantly.

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