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<<< Handy Dandy Notebook: November 2000 >>>

November 19, 2000: Here is what happened in the past week: On monday I stayed home because I was sick. Then I went to school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. We had Friday off for all of the deer hunters, so I had my friend JJ sleepover. We went to his girlfriend's house which is just down the street from mine. When JJ's girlfriend's dad came home, he was really cool about us being there. Most fathers would be strict about guys being with their daughter and her friend alone, but he played foosball (spelling?) with us. We stayed there for about 45 minutes, then went back to my house to eat. After I showed JJ my New Yorker, we went back and stayed until 10:30. The next day, we went to Appleton with my mom, my cousin, and my sister. We went to the arcade for awhile, then we went to Media Play (music/electronics store). I found some CDs that I wanted and this really cool Christina Aguilera book. Then we dropped JJ off at his house and went home. I watched TV the rest of the night, Twister and then the 100 Greatest Hard Rock Artists (hosted by Carmen Electra, heh heh). Then I slept for 11 hours. Now here I am, typing in this entry. Tomorrow I go back to school, but only for 3 days. Then I have Thanksgiving break. I might sleep over at JJ's house during Thanksgiving break. Now I am thinking of Turkey and it is making me hungry. Bye!

November 10, 2000: Today I was thinking of my dream car again, so I thought I would include it in this entry. That way I can reflect back on it. I already have a car, but it is definitely not my dream car. My dream car: A Chevrolet Beretta GT, but this would be no stock automobile. It would be orange with two black stripes running along the top of the car, from hood to trunk. The rims would be stock black Beretta GT rims, the grille would also be black, and there would be black headlight covers covering, well, the headlights. The engine would be a stock 3100 V6 with dual exhaust. Inside I would have, first of all, my black dice hanging from the mirror. For tunes I would have an AIWA stereo connected to my 2 Pioneer 12 inch subs. Lastly, a sunroof and a spoiler. What is your dream car? E-Mail me with a description of it or post it on the Message Board. I would love to hear what your dream car is.
Oh, and I am not even going to talk about the election.
Note: The only things in my dream car that I have are the dice and the subs....LoL.

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