American Name: Neflyte | |
Birthday: ? | |
Hair Color: Dark Brown | |
Eye Color: Blue | |
Love Interest: Molly | |
Loved By: Molly | |
Dislikes: Zoicite | |
Sailor @ngie's Notes: The one w/ the heart always has to die horribly. I know I wasn't the only one balling my eyes out when he died. So sad, one of the kinder villains no doubt. He ranks up there with Fish Eye. (Don't laught at Fishy!) |
Howdy people, Sailor @ng here just chillin'. As we all know after the fall of the Dark Kingdom, all of the Generals/Kings had to live in our world. So the other day I ran into Nephy, and I asked him a few questions about how he was doing these days, and well. . . Here they are!
Sailor @ngie: So how's Molly?
Nephrite: She's good thanks for asking. I do
feel bad that I broke her and Melvin (Umino) up but he's a great guy.
Sailor @ngie: Now there's a rumor that when
you're in the tuxedo pretending to be Cape Boy you feel somewhat impowered.
Care to explain?
Nephrite: No, you don't really.
Sailor @ngie: Oh, okay, well is it comfortable?
Nephrite: I guess [yawns]
Sailor @ngie: You and Zoicite. . . what's the
Nephrite: Stole my bathroom every morning.
You'd think if the Negaverse was so great they'd have more than one bathroom.
Sailor @ngie: I guess so.
Nephrite: Plus (s)he thought his hair was
prettier than mine. [chuckles] What a moron.
Sailor @ngie: Anything in particular stick out
about any certain bathroom incidents between you two? (Refer to Jadeite's Profile and interview.)
Nephrite: Well this one day I had a date
with Molly, so I had to get ready, so I slammed Zoicite into a wall, and he was
out cold for like ever, it was really funny. [laughing]
Sailor @ngie: Really [sarcastically] So now that
you live here, what job(s) have you managed to get?
Nephrite: Maxfield Stanton is back, and I
have lots of money in that disguise, so I haven't had to get a job at all.
Sailor @ngie: On your time off what do you enjoy
Nephrite: Sometimes I'll play Poker with
Jadeite, and the Slayers gang, otherwise I go out a lot with Molly, and I'm an
avid Scooby Doo fan, that Velma's a doosy. [chuckles]
Sailor @ngie: Well, thanks for your time, and I
hope everything works out for you and Molly in the future.
Nephrite: No problem, and thanks. [waves and
walks off]
Sailor @ngie: Boy did he have that bathroom
story wrong, I can't wait to see what Zoicite has to say about it. [beckons the
camara guy] C'mon Camara Man, we got work ta do!
Nephrite the guy with an attitude, kinda, nevermind here are the pics.
He says the stars
know everything, but I think all that time he was just trying to get naked pics
of Naru, oh that was mean. (Neph meditating and talking to the stars)[22k]
I would look
like this too if you saw Zoicite in his underwear. (Side profile of eph
I'm not gonna
make fun of him here, cuz I really did cry in this episode. (Neph getting shot
with vines while proteckting Molly)[21k]
Sexy smile
scowling at who else but Zoicite.[13k]
Awwwwwww. (A
screen shot of Neph carrying Molly)[15k]
While waiting
for the bathroom. . . hey, I'd be bored too! (Neph looking bored holding a
Even Max
likes to play hide and go seek, but when he hides, you can't find him. Either
that or he's a peeping Tom! (Maxwell Stanton looking out from behind a
You knew I
had to do it! (Nephrite as Tuxedo Mask)[12k]
Not that
badly built if ask me. (Full body shot of Nephrite in King uniform)[8k]
"The Stars Know Everything." Nephrite claims. He drew up some star maps, and decided that he wanted to let you all know what the future held for you. So here are his predictions.
(Jan. 20- Feb. 18) A job change is
ahead; professionally or in the home. You will find it to be more suiting to
your needs.
(Feb. 19- March 20) Someone in your
life will be leaving soon. Not neccessaraly to another life but just moving
away. Don't worry, it's for the better.
(March 21- April 19) A trip is coming.
A growth will follow. Don't fight it, or your conscience, they are right.
(April 20- May 20) Money it on the way,
but you have to go get it, and don't expect it to be free.
(May 21- June 21) Something loomining
infront of you is keeping you from finishing an ongoing project you need to
finish just to know that you can do it.
(June 22- July 22) Watch your spending
habits. Make sure to review your finances before something goes wrong and you
loose everything.
(July 23- Aug. 22) You're just on fire.
You don't realize how many heads you're turning. So whatever you're doing keep
it up!
(Aug. 23- Sept. 22) Watch yourself, and
stay indoors bad luck seems to be rearing it's ugly head. If going out is a
must then watch what you do and say.
(Sept. 23- Oct. 23) Ideas are coming up
all over the place. Soemthing in your life isn't sitting well, so use one of
those new inventions to solve your problem.
(Oct. 24- Nov. 21) Get out and get
some excersize, you won't be sorry that you did, it will benifit you in more
ways than one.
(Nov. 22- Dec. 21) Take the
initiative, and learn somethig new. It will help you tremendously in the
(Dec. 22- Jan. 19) Take a step back
from your social life. Understand that some people in your life are just doing
you no good, so get away from them. The others couldn't be more of a help at
this point in your life.
General Mourning | Jadeite | Nephrite | Zoicite | Kunzite | Group and Couple Pictures | Sailor @ngie |