American Name: Zoycite | |
Birthday: October 30th | |
Hair Color: Light Brownish Blonde | |
Eye Color: Yellow-Green | |
Love Interest: Kunzite | |
Loved By: Kunzite | |
Dislikes: Nephrite, and Queen Beryl, and Cape Boy | |
Sailor @ngie's Notes: Many people who are fans of the subs were very upset at the voice, and gender change DiC decided to make for Zoicite. Never the less, he still is popular among fans of the show for his ruthlessness, and willingness to be mean to Nephrite. |
Howdy people, Sailor @ng here just chillin'. As we all know after the fall of the Dark Kingdom, all of the Generals/Kings had to live in our world. So the other day I ran into Zoi, and I asked him a few questions about how he was doing these days, and well. . . Here they are!
Sailor @ngie: You and Kunzite, what's the deal?
Zoicite: For all the people out there in
America that have closed the young ones eyes to it, yes we are together, and
yes, we are both male. Does that answer your question?
Sailor @ngie: Yes it does thank you. Now you
not only have a rivalry with Beryl, but ones with Nephrite, and if my sources
are correct Fish Eye (Please read: Bishounen No Mori)
Zoicite: Yes, Fish Eye and Nephrite are
definetly on my piss list. And Fish if you're reading this, I'm prettier than
you are! That dress is sooooo mine!
Sailor @ngie: Why exactly do you hate Nephrite
so much?
Zoicite: He would always make fun of me cuz I
was with Kunzy, and he'd steal the bathroom from me.
Sailor @ngie: Why wouldn't he tease Kunzite as
Zoicite: Oh, he knew not to mess with
Kunzite, but not with me, and we all know what happened.[grins] I really didn't
mean to kill him like that. People think I am so mean, but him and Molly are
fine now. No harm done.
Sailor @ngie: I've heard things about the single
negaverse bathroom, any comments.
Zoicite: Nephrite put you up to this didn't
he!? What did he tell you!?
Sailor @ngie: Just about a specific incident
when you slammed into a wall. . . (Refer to Jadeite's
Profile and interview.)
Zoicite: Oh really!!!!! [upset] Well, as I
recall we both ran for the bathroom, and he, being the dolt that he is ran into
the wall himself. It wasn't me [his infamous laugh] yeah, he was late for his
date that day.
Sailor @ngie: Really [sarcastically] So now that
you live here, what job(s) have you managed to get?
Zoicite: Well, I've just been chilling, but
ya know, I would love to go into television. I do have an agent, and I've been
in a couple of things, so keep your eye out.
Sailor @ngie: On your time off what do you enjoy
Zoicite: Just cuddling with my kawaii
boyfriend Kunzy, isn't he a cutie!
Sailor @ngie: Sure.
Zoicite: Lay off, he's mine! [angry]
Sailor @ngie: Okay [scared] Well thanks for your
time, I look forward to seeing you on TV, good luck to you.
Zoicite: Thanks [suspiciously] See ya, and
don't make any moves on my man! [walks off, then starts to skip]
Sailor @ngie: [looks at camara] Note to
self, never have an interview with Zoicite ever again. [rolls eyes]
Zoicite: I HEARD
THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [Angie starts to run]
And here is the flambouyant guy himself! Kinda does have some pretty good shots.
I really don't
know what's so funny, maybe, uh oh, is she plotting something, everyone
RUN!!!!!!!! (Profile of Zoicite laughing)[30k]
That soup just
isn't sitting right with Zoi. (Stunned Zoicite)[38k]
I'm Sailor
Zoi, champion of being with Kunzy! (A manga pic of Zoicite as Sailor
I just love
the way she goes in and out, someone ask her how she does it for me, I think I
might be on her piss list. (Zoicite coming in from the cherry blossoms)[8k]
Well that
crystal must have something groovy in it, or she found out that Nephrite was
going out with Molly. (Zoi surprized by a crystal)[14k]
Don't you just
love the eye shadow he uses, it perfectly compliments his features! (Zoicite
eyes close up)[12k]
He wanted to
see Kunzy in drag. . . (Zoicite snickering)[14k]
Another pic of
Zoicite surrounded by cherry blossoms.[18k]
The crystal
just isn's good enough for microphone material! (Zoicite looking upset holding a
Glow in the
dark crystals are like totally the latest fad! (Zoicite with a glowing
A lot of things bother Zoicite, and he decided that for his little section where he could to anything he wanted to have a piss list. Surprize surprize, luckly I'm not on it, but it was a close call. So read it, and make sure you're not on it. And if you are, just don't leave your house and you should be fine.
10.) People who insist that I'm a girl and the correct way to spell my
name is Zoycite, I think I would know I mean it is my name!
9.) People who try to turn me and Kunzy strait. (DiC you are so
going down!)
8.) Guys named Fish Eye that think they are prettier than me! (Read:
Bishounen No
7.) Morons who don't let you enjoy a hot tub with your kawaii boy
friend. (Again, Bishounen No Mori)
6.) Avion instead of Evian (Read: Helter Skelter to
better understand.)
5.) Stupid idiots *cough* Neph *cough* that fall in love with red
heads with a strong magnetism to energy sucking creatures.
4.) Anyone besides Kunzy that wears a cape.
3.) Roses that cut your face, and ruin your beautiful complection.
2.) Guys that don't let you have the bathroom when they can clearly
see you need to brush your beautiful hair, that by the way happens to better
than theirs anyways.
1.) Nephrite
General Mourning | Jadeite | Nephrite | Zoicite | Kunzite | Group and Couple Pictures | Sailor @ngie |