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Chapter Thirteen

Today was the big day. Their one year anniversary. Breyana woke up in a really good mood that morning. It was pretty early when she hopped out of AJ's bunk and went to the back of the tour bus. Brian was sitting on one of the couches reading the morning paper. "Hey B, how's it going"? Breyana questioned. "Fine B, how's it going with you? Are you all ready for tonight"? Brian said. "Yep, sure am, just make sure you have Alex back by 8". Breyana said just as Nick walked into the room. "What are you guys talking about"? Nick asked. "NOTHING" Brian and Breyana said in unison. "Yeah right, you guys look as guilty as sin" Nick retorted. Brian was helping Breyana with her anniversary plans and didn't tell anyone else especially Nick due to the fact that he had a habit of spilling the beans. Nick kept questioning them about what they were talking about trying to find something out. Brian turned on the Nintendo 64 hoping to distract Nick, "Wanna play"? Brian asked Nick. "Yeah, but first I gotta do something." And with that Nick started yelling at the top of his lungs..."AJ you better get your butt out of bed, Brian is trying to put the moves on your woman." "I'm going to kill you Nick" Breyana shouted. AJ managed to stumble out of bed and make his way to the back of the bus. "Do you guys have to be so damn loud" he said with an annoyance in his voice. "Morning sweets" Breyana said as she kissed him on the cheek. "Morning to you too B, Happy anniversay" AJ said with a smile on his face. Breyana went up to AJ and whispered in his ear..."When we get the to hotel, meet me in the room as soon as possible." All AJ could do was smile from ear to ear. Breyana went into the kitchen area of the bus and AJ made his way to the shower the whole time singing..."If you could only see the way she loves me maybe you'd understand" One of his favorites by Tonic. Brian and Nick found his singing rather annoying at the present moment and in unison yelled..."SHUT UP AJ".

About an hour later they finally arrived in the next city. Breyana would always check the hotel room first before AJ would enter. Sometimes crazy fans would find out the hotel and room numbers of the guys and want to "surprise" them by hiding in the room. After she checked every inch of the room she called AJ on his cell phone and told him it was okay to come up. Breyana thought this was the perfect time to give him the journal she had purchased a few days earlier. She plopped her bag down on the bed and opened it to get her gift for AJ out when she noticed a pink evelope with "B" on it. "Crap" she thought, AJ was in my bag. I hope he didn't see anything. She grabbed the envelope out of her bag and sat down on the bed to read what was inside.

~True Love~

I think true love is never blind,
But rather brings an added light,
An inner vision quick to find
The beauties hid from common sight.

No soul can ever clearly see
Another's highest, noblest part;
Save through the sweet philosophy
And loving wisdom of the heart.

~Love Alex~

Breyana's emotions were running full speed after reading AJ's little note. She was determined to make the rest of the day as special as possible. About 5 minutes later, AJ walked through the door. Breyana snuk up behind him and covered his eyes. She led him into the bedroom where his present lay in the middle of the bed. When she removed her hands from AJ's eyes, he saw a wrapped box surrounded by white rose pedals. There were candles lit everywhere and the room smelled of Dream Angels by Victoria Secret. Before Breyana would let him open his gift, she turned him around and gave him a kiss. "What was that for" He asked. "That is for the letter I found in my bag." She said. "Now open your gift, I can't wait to see if you like it." Breyana urged. AJ leaned in and picked up the box. He carefully unwrapped it making sure not to make a mess with the paper. "Wow, that's a really nice box you got me B". AJ joked. "Augh, quit taking forever" Breyana said back. AJ finally opened the box and saw the journal Breyana had bought him. He read the inscription on the front cover and noticed the engraving of a rose at the end of the inscription. AJ could feel tears welling up in his eyes. This gift was so precious to him. He didn't talk much about his passion to write poetry. The only person he had really talked to about it was Breyana. He opened the journal and read what she had wrote on the first page for him. He was speechless. "Do you like it"? She asked. "It's wonderful". He said. AJ didn't really want to tell her how he liked his gift, he wanted to show her. So far their anniversary was turning out perfect.