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undefined ALF~~Alien Life Form~~~Gordon Shumway
All in the Same!

ALF and the Tanner family. From left to right...Lynn, ALF, Willie, Brian, and Kate

AlF was one of my favorite shows as a kid. I remember watching it while eating supper. My mom would tell me to shut of the tv, but I just couldn't. It was just too good. :)

ALF debuted in 1986 and ran until 1990. Reruns are still shown today, but from my knowledge, only on the Odeyssy channel, which I unfortunately do not get.
ALF is just what the Tanner family named him when he crashed in their garage in a freak spaceship accident. His real name given to him on his home planet, Melmac, was Gorden Shumway. The Tanner family, made up of Kate and Willie and their kids Lynn and Brian, had a little adjusting to do when ALF joined their family, but they grew to love him. They just had to watch out when he tried to eat their cat. (On Melmac they had a fondness of cats and a taste for them too.)

You either missed it or tuned in, either way, the Nick At Nite ALF marathon on Wednesday March 7, 2001, is over. I watched and it brought back some good memories. :)
Amusing ALF Quotes from the alien himself

"Here it comes Brian, you better go get the shovel."

"What do you do when your sister glows in the dark?"

"Looks like twice eaten pork."

"My. You'd have been a lot of fun during the Renasance"

"Great. We need more Euphoniousness."

"I'll call you if I ever audition for Hehaw."

"Hey zit face, why don't you go home and make a clearasil sandwich?"

"Okay you caught us. I was trying to help Lucky beat his smoking problem."

"I wasn't irresponsible, I was hungry."

"Tony's not dull, he was just weaned on novicaine."

"I could have licked your hand but I don't think either one of us would have enjoyed that."

"What? I'm doing the himleck maneuver on myself."

"I am not ALF. I am Melmac the Magnificant."

"Think again Bannana number 2."

Top 10 Reasons To Watch ALF

1. Watch ALF try to eat the cat!
2. Listen to ALF tell stories about Melmac
3. Listen to Willie yell ALFFFFFF!!!!
4. Observe alien tendencies
5. Hmmm. It's been a while since I seen the show myself...what else is there?
6. I'm thinking
7. Come back to me later
8. There's got to be two more reasons
9. What is wrong with my brain?
10. ALF is just a show that I liked and other people like it, so you will too!
11. There, I got one, told ya..wait, this is 11 isn't it? Oh well..

Here are some Awesome ALF, Marvelous Melmacian, Tremendous Tanner...okay I think you get the picture...LINKS!

ALF Online A place to listen to sound recordings*The ALF theme song*, cast info., and a good summery of the show.

Sitcoms Online-ALF Message Board. Talk about anything ALF with other obsessed fans

Kyle's ALF Page Multimedia, message board, pictures.

IMDB ALFCast info. Individual actor info.

the rainbow will take you home