He's from Morcon because he's a moron and a con-artist ~Melissa
I'd like to report an HP in aisle 3 please. That's a humping problem in aisle 3. We may need some back up. ~Magia
I have gone mad with power! ~Kevin McDonald
You know, a lot of other gas smells too. ~Ross--Friends
My mom told me that black jelly beans are a natural laxative but I refuse to believe her. ~Jessica
I have a good attitude towards menstruation ~Dave Folely
Bullshit! Nothing's impossible! ~Niel-- DPS
That's what it's all about. Training ponies to rescue other ponies. ~Jon Stewart and Will Ferrel
You tickle me in a way that almost makes me uncomfortable ~Jon Stewart
555 Jerk? Oh, I get it. ~Scott Thompson
It's a horse! I mean, it's a cow. Oops. Now, I'm confused. ~Melissa
I put heat rub in my brother's pants. It was the yell heard around the world! ~Starla
Am I to understand your grandpa was a bad boy today? ~Bruce McCulloch
Men, they always think that they know your motives perfectly and it's like umm...no. Why is that? I hate it!!! I can go on and on and just complain, but I don't want to anymore. They are just big poopy heads. That's it! They are just poopy heads and that's what they always will be. ~Morgan
Holy shit, batman. I really can fly. ~Jeanie
Today, in a haze of crusty-eyed sleepiness, I dressed myself in the one shirt that I shouldn't have worn: The Shirt With the Logo of the OTHER College on it. ~Amber
Hey, can we take the pig home? ~Melissa
~things that I say~
What did you say? I'm sorry I didn't hear you. I was busy swimming around in my own self loathing.
Well, you know what they say..Psychos have more fun anyway.
I'm bored, I'm bored, I have fat thighs and I'm bored.
Dammit! Give me back my happy!
I'm such a neat slob.
Why experience love? It's just going to come back and bite you in the butt...hard. And believe you me, love has very sharp teeth!
I love the 80's!
Oh, man. Slow down. Power trip.
It's cool. I've got a plan.
My name is Kristen, and I am addicted to black fans.
There's nothing to eat in this house.
My idol was Gonzo because I too am a 'whatever' but recently we have discovered Gonzo is really an alien, so now I wonder if I too, may be from another planet..hmm..
I like guys with glasses and blue sweaters. The button down kind of course!
~out of the mouths of spaids~
I've had much worse happen to me today than someone sitting on me ~Bree
I had a bagel with cream cheese and it was very good. ~me (followed by) I love bagels with cream cheese! ~5 other people
Canadians talk in french in their sleep. ~Andie
No, I like sugar, I just can't have any. Gets me nerved up. ~me
I'll just stick it in my pocket. ~Alex
~the end~