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My pix and my friends pix....i hope you enjoy you little phreaks

Go there for the last bit of pictures I could fit on this acccount.
my new picture page, all pictures, all the time.

My friends Brian and Justin.A in the home ec class room in our kitchen thing

Tis my friend Alex

My friends David and Shawn in de library

A picture i did up for Val/M whutever you wanna call her

My with no shirt on..i have a problem with posin with no shirt on heh

Me tryin to stand up with my foot stuck inbetween the wall and my bed...twas a pose really..i wasnt stuck..hehe

I'm lookin at you kid...haha the fluorescent light made me look yellow there

Me showin off da facial hair...i shaved shortly after that pic...but i got it back now

Muh friend Leif flippin you da bird

Ok this really isnt a pic of any friends or me but its a picture of like the multi purpose area...hehe it has multi purposes mainly people eat there

ok i got the backof Simm's head but he's playing chess..hes a newfie im soo proud of him

Once again not a pic of anyone i know but well actually i do know them their my bestest best friends....heh its a kool picture i took of trees ok peoplez

A picture of me and the electronic baby i had to take home for the weekend for home ec cried and thats about it

Me gettin my hair died

Agaiin with the hair dieing

Once again the hair dieing

Can you believe my dad took pictures of me gettin my hair died

Tis my friend Alicia...*laughs* she kicks ass..

heh tis Lauren...L..Lala mah kickin friend lauren with her puppy...aint they cute..

Hehehe not friends but i saw them every once in awhile....i usually ended up walking behind them so they call me the stalker...they didnt know i took this until the flash went off

My good friend meggie this is her Winter Night or something like that

Tis pj i have no idea what hes doin tho

Look its sash...its her grade 9 pic tho...accident its her grade 10 pic

Hehe im sorta lookin off into space here.....this is like before i shave my go t and mustache off

Me just layin back on me bed and relaxin of course

Me struttin mah actually im showin off da go t

Me being just well silly i suppose

Me making a weird face heh

alright i have no frigggin clue when im doin here

Muh New Hair Cut..I did it myself

Dis here is a pic of my newest wipe out and what i looked like after it...ill get a pic of the pants later on here...thats the knee

Anotha Pic Of mY new hair cut

This is another pic of my wipe out and its mah elbow Oh yeah and the wipe out happened sometime at nite on the 21rst of june around 5 or so

This is my most recent picture

Tis a picture of my friend nicks girlfriend Lor

and dis here is muh friend Sarah....she sooo fuckin kicks ass

ames picture.....anime picture not real

My not so newest pic

a blurry close up of my face

Another blurry close up of my face with facial hair

same as above but different pic

close up of my face with headset on
My old house

My old house two

A dark picture of my face

lol My ass

Me sittin on a bench

My friend Trisha

Meh mowin the lawn

Its Da Mae Mae lookin mean-ish

Its Da Ellish One glarin

Its Jo bein blurry

Tis Lauren and two of her friends

My fav pic of my self

My aussie sis Jaz

This is my dad

Me usin meh computer in a hotel room

Me and my bike before it was stolen

Me at a glacier

Me my bro and my sis

Me my bro and my sis in different poses

Me in my parents old bedroom in Fort Nelson

Me in the Muskwa

Me in Skagway,Alaska

Me at Summit

Me and the Alaska Sign

Me and my Dad in a musuem.

Me by an army truck

Me my bro and my dad

The house in saskatoon

Me ice fishing as a kid

Second pic of me ice fishing as a kid