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You know what ive had alot of time on my hand over the last skewl year and this is something i figured out and i think its great
I have no friends i only have acquentices and a girlfriend....why i have no friends is becuz you cannot have friends....friends are people that you think you can trust and hang out with and all that.....and you think you really know them but later on or sooner then later they'll do something that you'd never expect of them or they'll do something you thought they were smart enough to know not too..atleast yet it depends...and friends are supposed to be there for you...well what if their not are they still your friends or whut....well i have no friends as i said and i dont see how anyone can....but i'll tell you what i do have i have aquantices and also sometime i'll have hmm not friends but i'll have to think of something to call these people.....becuz there is no room for some false thing like friends...goood day all.....A Quick message type thing....Eventually your going to lose all your old friends and everyones going to just move on and maybe they'll remember you and maybe they wont but dont dwell on the fact that there gone or whatever just move on with your life and just live it up....wheee i ever nice happy update to mean ol unhappy thingy up there oki doki here we go now a list of current friends becuz there numbers sort of dwindled down