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About Me

Aight people dis shit is about me well if you dont already know and shit like that....Aight here we go mah names Justin but you can give me a nick if yo want...oh ya and im 16 live in british columbia a lil town called chetwynd....Deep shyt now brown hair my eyes have this blueish greenish thing goin on right now and im 5'10 and i have a clefte lip and clefte palete if you wanna know about dose ask me.....Yep ima poetic phreak i also write stories....I wanna get a fishie damn it heh....well latah
If i could explain my life to you i would but i you dont know why i do the things i do and why i am the way i am...why i say what i say and do what i do....and just basically all that is me..i can say one thing you cant be like me noone can you can look up to me and you can see me as a role model or that im higher then you but thats it.....
Alrite if you havent figured this out yet i thrive on a vew certain things...i thrive on happiness and anything good emotions n shit...and like theres this extra energy running through me and i get sudden outbursts and shit its awesome i love it..these are the reasons why i am like happy n shit all duh time well dats all