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Sir Froggo's Last Stand

So we meet again Sir Froggo. This time your not going to be so lucky. Oh really Cap’n Poopy Pants. You believe I’ll let myself be defeated by someone with a name like that. Like yours is any better. Anyways enough with the talking let’s fight. They both draw their swords and begin their fight. Sir Froggo and Cap’n Poopy Pants throw their swords at one another’s hearts and hit. Harrah you got me Cap’n. Ark you got me as well. They both start moaning and groaning. While their slowly dieing a couple of guys come by and start poking them with sticks. Ahh Bob do you think their dead. No I don’t think so listen. Bob pokes Sir Froggo with a stick and he groans. See their not dead yet. But what should we do with them George? I say we sit here and poke them until they die. Yeah that sounds like a good idea George. They both start poking them and after awhile of them poking Cap’n Poopy Pants and Sir Froggo a couple of dragons swoop down and eat them all…