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Peppermint Tea

That's nonsense, absolute nonsense. Why would he, HIM ever do that. It's nonsense I say! Yells Quistis. Sure he's always looking or ready for a fight. But I thought he had more sense to do something like that. He's a SeeD candidate, a member! Just as she got that out Selphie grabbed a hold of her in order to get her to stop. Quistis exhales slowly. Thanks I needed that. Says Quistis calmly.

There are chances it's just a nasty rumour. Or something likes that. Exclaims Selphie reassuringly.

Yes that's very true, so true, I shouldn't have ever reacted like that, I'm sorry. Apologizes Quistis.

It's all right Q, you just care that's all. Says Selphie.

Yah yah, let's just cool down for a bit and then try and figure out where he could be so we can get this straightened out. Suggests Rinoa.

Yes that's a perfect idea Rinoa. Replies Selphie. Quistis just nods in reply.

Or we could just sit around and just not worry about it until we see him without going out and looking for him'n'such. Suggests Quistis.

Oh oh that's a perfect idea. Squall just bought me some some peppermint tea. Sooo relaxing it is it is! Blurts out Rinoa.

All right all right take it easy their Rinoa. Coo's Selphie. Rinoa nods vigorously with a big grin on her face.

Let's lets um go to my room where the nummy tea'ums is'ums. Orders Rinoa. Selphie and Quistis laugh at her and walk out and follow her to her room, Rinoa boils the water and puts it into a big flowery teapot with a tea bag in it and lets it sit for a while.

Selphie sighs and says. So how have you been lately Rinoa? What with the whole marriage thing and all?

Oh it's been perfect, never been happier in my life. Replies Rinoa. And how have you been Selphie? Asks Rinoa.

Oh I'm fine. But this whole council thing and such is a little hectic, but I manage. Replies Selphie. How about you Quistis? You've become quite the keeper for all of us. Asks Selphie.

Things are fine. But Zell's been getting to me lately. Replies Quistis. Rinoa hands Selphie and Quistis a cup of tea and pours herself some. They all take a sip at once. Mmmm perfect. I feel much better already. Exclaims Quistis.

Aw god that feels so damn good. Says Selphie relaxed like.

Peppermint tea peppermint tea, we all love you so. Peppermint tea peppermint tea how we love you so. Sings Rinoa. And forgetting all the worries and they all sing into the night.