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Popularity Change

I thought I was oneof the un-popular people in my school but only because of my looks and clothing made me that way but that all changed one day after Brad the schools Quarter Back beat the shit out of me for no reason I barelywalked away my arm was bleeding pretty badly and my nose was too and as I walked down the street with torn clothing and blood everywhere I saw Jessica one of the most popular girls in my school walking my way and as soon as she could see it was me she ran up to me and said John who the hell did this to you and why did they do it I tell her Brad did it for no reason she looks at me and says I'll take you to my place and clean you up and and maybe go shopping afterwards for new clothes I say in my head wow she's actually talking to me and wantsto take me shopping I tell her no I'l be fine Jessica she looks at mewith care and concern in her baby bluee eyes and says dont be stubburn John my house is right over there and it wont take long to get there she grabs my arm and drags me toher place as she cleans mywounds we talk about whats been happening in our lifes in and out of school and when I tell her Brad has been being a prick to meever since school started last month she saidwell I'm glad I dumped thelil prick he was flirting withgirls when and when i wasnt aroundthenwhen shesaid that I assked her why she wasdoing thid sheanswered with I'mdoing this cause I think your kool and i can makeyou popular to others i tell her well people tell me I'm not popular cause of my looks and clothing then she laughs and tells ne its not casue of mylooks cause alotta girlssay I'm a cutie andthat its just myclothing I say well then that changes somethings ouch do you think that could be even tighter we both laugh and she tells methat shes done and sge also tellsmethat she thinks I'ma HOTTIE I look at her with amazment in myIce Blue Eyes and say wow not everyday Ihear thatshe blush's and says Let's go buy clothes'N'stuff i say Yeah lets go buy clothes'N'stuffshe gigglesand we head for thestore... to be continued