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The End

I sit here, on this ledge thinking to myself. Swinging my legs freely over the edge. “Why did my life have to be like this? Why did I have to be the way I am?” I stop swinging my legs. “Was I chosen for some reason to be this way? Was it just the fact that my mind is twisted in so many ways? I look down and see the 100-foot drop. “Or was it because of how fucked up my emotions are and that I hide all the bad ones? I look up at the shining stars on this crisp night, with its full moon shining like a beacon for lost souls. “Or did you just think it be a kick to see how much you can screw a person up? If that’s why, you did a damn good job” I begin to swing my legs again. “Why am I even asking these questions? It’s not like there’s anyone to answer them.” I stop swinging again and drag myself up and move away from the edge and lay down looking up at the stars. “It’s amazing to think so many people believe in you. Yet you don’t exist. I don’t know how they can follow you or the others follow theirs. They all have to many rules.” I stroke my beard thoughtfully. “Did you do all this because you knew or any of you knew, that I wouldn’t believe in any of it? Well I hope your happy, now all my friends are gone and I have no one to turn to really and I don’t think I can hold these feelings and emotions and thoughts in any more. Or is that it you just want me to let it all out?” I sit up again and move to the ledge again and let my legs drop over and swing again. “I guess I’ll never know and no one else will know either. Well I guess there’s only one option for me now and I believe it will please you all so you can have me all for your self’s, and that is to just shove myself off the edge and fall to my death. But I’ll just leave my life story here and let the world find it someday and find out the truth.” I shove myself off the edge to my death and for the vultures to feed on my dead body, and may my soul float up to the moon where all lost souls should go.