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The End Of The Bond's

That one perfect night with the stars shining bright and the flashes of lightning filling the night sky and the glow of the full moon catching her eyes and making them twinkle. After looking at her for a second, he takes her hand and holds it tight, looking into her beautiful, baby-blue eyes and says, "Karla, I have been keeping something from you for quit some time now." Karla says, "Yes, Tyler, please tell me what you've kept from me." He nods and says, "Karla, I love you. I love you with all my heart. I always have and always will. I've loved you ever since that one night." He stops and looks into her eyes and sees that she's in shock. Then he hears a bang. He closes his eyes and when he opens them he doesn't see her. He looks down and there she is. He kneels down and feels for a pulse. It's still there but very faint and she's bleeding badly. He picks her up and puts her in his car and drives to the hospital. When they get there, he bursts through the emergency doors and yells, "Someone please help her! She's bleeding badly in the stomach!" Then a doctor comes and puts her on a stretcher and takes her into the E.R. He phones Karla's parents, telling them what has happened. They rush to the hospital and when they get there the nurses come out and calls Karla's father over. With a sad look on his face, he says, "Tyler." Tyler looks down and says, "Yes, sir," in a low voice.

David says, "Karla is..." Tyler interrupts, saying, "No, she can't be" David nods his head and tells him he should go and see her. Tyler just looks up without saying a word and walks into her room. He sits in a chair next to Karla's bed. He holds her cold hand and says, "Karla, I wish I told you all that sooner so you'd still be here, full of energy. Like before. But no," he sighs, "No. I had to wait until tonight to tell you and get you killed. The only person I ever truly loved. But I'm not going to kill myself because of all of this. I'll just do what you would want me to do and that's keep on going and living a happy life. But it won't be all that happy without you." Then Nicole[, Karla's mother,] walks in and says, "Tyler, I would like to be alone with my daughter please." He gets up and says, "Yes, ma'am. I should go home and get some sleep." He gets home at two in the morning. He goes inside, kicks off his shoes, and tiptoes upstairs to his bedroom without waking up his brothers and sisters. He goes into his room, and, without taking off his clothes, lays down on his bed and within seconds, falls asleep. And as fast as he was asleep he is awake again. He looks at his clock and sees that it's 11:00 a.m. He gets out of bed and takes a shower, then gets dressed and goes downstairs into the kitchen. He gets some milk and cereal and some orange juice and sits at the table to eat his breakfast. His mom walks into the room and asks him how it went with Karla last night. He looks down at his cereal, swirling it around a bit and says, "Mom, there was a drive-by shooting last night and Karla was shot by them and now she's gone. It happened right after I told her." He sighs and says, "I drove her to the hospital but they couldn't save her." His mom then says, "Wow, Ty," Ty being a nickname of his for years now, "Do you think you will be okay before school starts again, next week?" He thinks to himself, oh shit, I forgot school started next week. God, that's going to be hard. Then he breaks his thoughts and says, "Yeah, mom, hopefully I will be okay by then. But it’s going to be hard. I lost the one person I truly loved last night." His mom looks at him and says, "Sweetie, I know its going to be tough but you will get over her as soon as you get back to school." Ty says, "No, I don't think so. It is hard to forget someone you cared so much about. Just as Cassandra, his mother, is about to reply, Vanai, his sister comes barging down into the kitchen. As she comes in she asks, "Did Tyler ever come home last night?" Before Cassandra can reply, Tyler says, "Why, of course I came home, Vanai." Vanai jumps when Tyler says it and Vanai's like, "How'd it go with Karla?" Tyler finishes his cereal and washes his bowl and says, "As I just told mother, there was a drive-by shooting last night and they shot Karla right after I told her." Tyler goes outside to get the newspaper and it has, on the first page, what happened. Tyler reads through it as he comes into the kitchen again. He says, "Hmm, they say I'm a hero." Tyler throws the paper on the kitchen table and goes back outside and gets in his car. He starts it then backs it out of the driveway and heads toward the mall. On his way there he checks out some girls. When he finally arrives, he parks close to the front doors. Tyler gets out of his car and heads toward the entrance. When Tyler first gets into the mall he looks around. At first he sees mall rats then some girls and then some of his friends. He walks over to them and says, "So have you guys read the paper?" They say, all at once, "Yeah." They all start bowing and say, "We're not worthy Mr. Hero-type dude-man, don't hurt us." Some girls look over at them and start laughing. Ty says, "All right, fools. Get up or I will hurt you." Leo, the smarter one out of the bunch, stops and says, "Tyler, dude, I'm sorry to hear about Karla. I know you had deep feelings for her." Tyler sighs and says, "More than you'd ever know man. But let's not talk about her. I just want to think of happier things, if you know what I mean." As he was talking to Leo, Leudast, the Horn Dawg of the group, starts howling, barking, and whistling at some girls. Tyler shakes his head and slaps him behind the head, knocking off his hat in the process. He says, "Sorry, girls, you better leave now before he starts doing other stuff. If you catch my drift." They nod and run. Leudast looks at him strangely after he does that and says, "Now why did you go and do that for?" He says, "Because I thought you harassed those girls enough." He looks around for a second and says, "Oh, shit. Tommy and Harry are out chasing girls again." Leo's like, "Damn, you take your eye off of them for one sec and they run." Leo says, "Well, Ty, Leudast and me better go find those two before they do anything too stupid." Ty laughs as they run around looking for them. He thinks to himself, I better go find some clothes for the funeral tomorrow. He heads for the closest clothing store and starts thrashing through their clothes. Finally, the third store he goes through, he finds the perfect wardrobe. Black Dress Pants and a Black Shirt. He goes to the cashier to pay for the clothes and the cashier asks, "You're not going gothic on me, now, are you? I hope not. You look like a good guy." He says, "Oh, no. These are for a funeral." She says, "Oh. You most be that hero guy, aren't you?" He says, "Yeah, that's me." She's like, "Yeah, you look like the hero type." She hands him the receipt and he leaves the store but to find Tommy, Harry, Leudast, Leo, and Rob flirting with some girls. They're flirting back. He barks cutely and they all look at him and say, "Shush, Ty." He starts to whimper and heads to the nearest exit. But before he gets there, he hears a sexy voice say, "Excuse me, are you Tyler the hero?" He turns around and says, "Yeah, that's me and you may be who?" She says, "You may not know me. My name is Vanessa Dar." Ty says in his head, oh great, the biggest slut in town. He says, "I've heard of you what do you want?" She says, "Hmm, the question is what do you want big boy?" He shakes his head and says, "I don't want anything from someone like you." Vanessa says, "Ah, I can make you happier then any other girl can." Ty sighs and walks away. When he gets outside, he lets out a sigh of relief. When he gets into his car, Jasmine, his best female friend, comes up and asks for a ride. He tells her, "Hop right in." She actually hops right in and he laughs at this. She says, "Ah...Tyler, you handled her rather well and pissed her off too. You were the first person to turn her down." Tyler says, "Ha. I don't really go for sluts like her." Jas (Jas is Jasmines nickname) looks at him and says, "Oh yeah. I read the paper. You're the talk of the town now, boy. And I'm also sorry to hear about Karla." Tyler says, "Aye lame the talk of the town and some girls are taking interest in me just cause of what I did." Jasmine says, "Oiy, it's going to be hard for you to find a girl that likes you for you." Tyler says, "'s your place, Jas." Jasmine looks at Tyler with a sad puppy face and says, "I didn’t want to come home. I just want to ride around with you." Tyler looks at Jasmine and says, "Okay, Jas, but what will your Boyfriend think of this?" Jasmine looks at Ty sadly and says sadly [there really is no need to repeat this adverb], "Ty, he dumped me for some other bitch." Tyler looks at her with comfort in his eyes and says, "Ah, the jerk. Well, Jasmine, I know you can do better than him." Jasmine looks away and says, "The only person better than him is...," Jasmine pauses. Tyler says, "The only person better than him is who, Jas? You know you can tell me." Jasmine looks back at Tyler and says, "You." Tyler looks at Jas astonished and says, "Jasmine, are you trying to say you have a crush on me or something like that?" Jasmine nods and Tyler pulls into a gas station and says, "Jasmine, I never knew and you always helped me through my problems with every girlfriend I had. Especially when all I talked about was Karla and you still helped me." Tyler sighs and says, "It’s hard to say this but I don't have feelings for you in that way. I just like you as a friend. I'm sorry." Jasmine looks at Ty sadly and says, "Tyler, have you ever thought what it would be like if me and you ever did go out?" Tyler says, "Jasmine, don't look so sad. And, yes, I have thought about it." Jasmine looks at Tyler with a little smile on her face and says, "Well, Tyler, why don't you actually go out with me? Cause I really like you, Ty." Ty says, "Well, Jasmine, I don't really know. Jas do you know what I look for in a girl?" Jas says, "No." Tyler rolls his eyes and says, "Okay, this is what I look for: cute, kind, good personality, good sense of humor, and has to be around my age of course." Jasmine asks shyly, "Do I fit in any of those?" Tyler says, "Of course you do, Jas, and more, too. I do want to go out with you but, with this whole Karla thing, I'm just going to stay single for a while and like, Jas, when I'm ready, will you go out with me?" Then Jasmine kisses Tyler's cheek. "What was that for?" says Tyler. Jasmine looks at Ty happily and says, "When you're ready, Ty, I will go out with you and the kiss was just 'cause I wanted to." Jasmine giggles. Ty says, "Ah, you have a cute giggle, Jas. So, where do you want to go now?" Jasmine says, "Oh, I want to go home now." Ty says, " just said you didn't want to go home." "Well, that was before, this is now," says Jasmine. "Ok, Jasmine. I'll take you home now but don't change your mind this time," says Ty. Tyler pulls a U-Turn and heads back towards Jasmine's house. Ten minutes later they arrive at her house. Jasmine kisses Ty on the cheek and says, "Bye" and runs inside. Jas watches Tyler pull out of the driveway from her bedroom window and then Jas sees her best friend walking on the street. She opens her window and yells at Caitlin. "Come inside, Caitlin. I have to tell you something." Caitlin goes into Jasmine's house and goes to the kitchen where Jasmine is waiting. They greet each other with a simple hello then Jasmine asks Caitlin how her day went. Caitlin says, "It was great. I went to the mall and Leudast, Tommy, and Harry started flirting with me and they said something about Ty rejecting Vanessa Dar." Jasmine tells Caitlin that she was putting all her effort into it. Caitlin says, "She's a slut. I'm just glad someone finally turned her down." Jasmine replies with, "I'm also glad it was Ty who did it. He drove me home from the mall." Caitlin grins and asks, "Did you tell him you're single and have a crush on him?" Jasmine nods and tells Caitlin that he also likes her and says that when he's ready that he will go out with her. Caitlin says, "Oh, yeah, I read the paper this morning. Ty had deep feelings for her." "Caitlin, I know that but I don't care about that. All I care about is that he likes me," Jasmine said. Caitlin looks at the clock and says, " Damn. Sorry, I gotta go home," and then runs out of the house. Then, after Caitlin runs out of the house, Jasmine goes to her room and lays down. Her mother, Sandy, walks in and says that she missed dinner. Jasmine tells her that she ate at the mall. Sandy says, "ok, then," and walks to her room and shuts the door. Jasmine lies down and goes to sleep. Meanwhile, Tyler gets home at 7:00 p.m. and he goes into his bedroom and hangs his new clothes up. Then he goes downstairs to the kitchen and makes a ham sandwich and starts to eat it. Then his older brother, Zach, comes in and says, "Well, Tyler, you’re a hero and have to go to a funeral." Tyler says, "Yeah, I know, Zach, and where is everyone else?" Zach tells Ty that everyone else is in bed sleeping and that he was just going now. Tyler says, "Okay, I'm going, too, after I finish eating." Zach walks to his room and Tyler finishes his sandwich and goes to bed. Cassandra runs into Tyler's room and shakes him until he wakes up and tells him to get ready for the funeral. Tyler jumps up, gets dressed and goes downstairs and grabs a piece of toast and runs out to his car and heads to the funeral hall. Tyler is late getting there and when he walks into the room where everyone is he is asked to say a few words. Tyler walks up to the stand and starts, saying, "Yes, I tried my best to save her. But I don't want to talk about that. Well, all I can say is that Karla was a great person, a nice person, and a good person and I have nothing else to say now." Tyler walks to Karla's coffin and pays his respects and sits down. Two hours later it is over. Tyler goes home but when he gets there he sees that the police are there, too. Tyler walks into the house and asks the State Trooper why he's here. The Trooper says, "Tyler, those guys weren't after Karla. They were after you. We caught them and put them in jail. But when we were questioning them they told us something about some gang wanting you and your family dead. So I suggest you be careful, son." Tyler says, "Will do, sir," as he leaves the house. Tyler looks at the clock and sees that its three o'clock p.m. He goes up to his little brother's room and asks him if he wants to go anywhere. He says no so Tyler goes outside and sits in his car for two minutes. Then he turns it on and drives to his secret place. When he gets there, he gets out of his car and starts yelling. "God damn it! Why did this have to happen? For fuck's sake, I don't know what to do anymore!" He stops yelling and looks around and he sees another car. A guy gets out of it with a gun in his hand. The guy says, "Well, well. Tyler Bond. I know who your father was. He was the great James Bond and you’re the last one to take his place in the spy business. But that's not going to happen cause I'm going to kill you." Tyler says, "Fuck, why did my dad have to be James Bond? Oh, yeah, and what about my two brothers and my sister?" The guy looks at his watch and says, "Just got killed." Tyler looks behind him and sees a big cloud of smoke rising from where his house was or used to be and before Tyler can say anything the guy shoots him in the back. Then he gets back into his car and runs over the dead body and then blows up Tyler's car [how does he do this if he is already in his own car?] and drives away. The next day, when Jasmine wakes up and goes to the breakfast table, she reads the paper and on the front page is what happened last night. As ["after?"] she reads this she runs to her room and locks her door and doesn't come out until school starts. She cries most of the time she is in there. When Jasmine comes out and goes to school, she starts talking to the new guy in town named T.K. T.K. then helps Jasmine through her problems. Then one day T.K. and Jasmine go into the spy business just as Tyler's family had done. But they go into it to get rid of the gang who killed the rest of the Bond family. Thee End

Thee End meaning the end of this story meaning you can stop reading now but if you must keep reading you will just get really bored or something or maybe you are really bored so you are reading on but hey that's your problem not mine find something else to read now or something just leave me and my story ending alone