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Final Fantasy 7 Bosses

Disk 1

Guard Scorpion:

You should be at level: 8

How: Just use normal attacks at this point. When his tail raises don't attack or he'll do some serious damage just keep defending until the tail goes back down and attack again until he's dead.


You should be at level: 11

How: Use offensive magic spells and limit breaks, cure as required.


You should be at level: 15

How: Use fire magic, normal attacks and limit breaks if you get one.

Reno of the Turks:

You should be at level: 17

How: Use your most powerful offensive magic attacks and limit breaks. If you think your attacks are strong enough then also use them. If he puts a pyramid around one of your characters get another party member to use physical attacks against it until it dissolves.

Sample Specimen:

You should be at level: 20

How: Attack the main boss with offensive magic and limit breaks. Cure as required. His three smaller helpers will die once he does.

Hundred gunner/Heli Gunner:

You should be at level: 21

How: Only Barret's normal attack is effective as the boss is on a different elevator. Use offensive magic (bolt spells work well but don't use bio!) and Limit breaks (Aeries healing wind is very helpful). Cure as needed but if you use Aeries healing wind you shouldn't need to.

Rufus/Dark Nation:

You should be at level: 21

How: You will only be able to use Cloud in this battle. The best way is to equip a bio and all materia then keep using the paired bio until both Dark Nation and Rufus die, which shouldn't be long. Cure if you need to.

Motor Ball:

You should be at level: 21

How: Use all your powerful magic spells (Bolt mostly, don't use Bio). Use Limit breaks, Aeries healing wind especially. And it shouldn't be long before he's scrap metal.


You should be at level: 22

How: Like Reno, Bottomswell can cast a layer around one of your party members so equip an all materia with one of your powerful magic spells so when you hurt the boss you will also remove the bubble around you party member. Also use your first summon chocobo mog and eventually he will die.

Jenova Birth:

You should be at level: 23

How: Your first real challenge. Use your two summons that you have. Use your fire spells (if you learned flame thrower in the mines use it all the time against Jenova). Also use you limit breaks and other strong magic spells. Cure will be necessary.


You should be at level: 24

How: You can only use Barret in this battle. First poison the enemy with Bio the keep using offensive magic and Limit Breaks. Cure as needed and also use your summons against him.

Reno and Rude of the Turks:

You should be at level: 25

How: Equip your strong magic spells with all and keep attacking them both with your paired magic and summon spells. Make sure you use Bio with an all because it is quite effective.


You should be at level: 25

How: Although not much of a challenge it is still important to fight Yuffie. Just use normal attacks or if you want magic. When you defeat her she will challenge you again and you must answer the questions like so;

Question 1="Not Interested"

Question 2="Petrified"

Question 3="Wait a second!"

Question 4="That's right"

Question 5="Let's hurry on"

And now you have a 16 year old ninja on your party. YES!

Ghost of Gi:

You should be at level: 25

How: Use Fire, Bolt and Summon spells, have someone Cure every round. Sometimes he might throw out a little ball so it is an idea to equip your strong magic spells with an all materia. It might be time to use your Elixirs in this battle.

Lost Number:

You should be at level: 26

How: If you have regen now would be a good time to use it equip your restore materia with an all materia so everyone will be cured at the same time. Use your strongest summon and magic spells and make good use of your limit breaks. He might use a very strong punch on one of your team members so remember to pack thoses phoniex downs.

Materia Keeper:

You should be at level: 28

How: You should take the same approach as you did with the lost number but do not use fire magic or Ifrit summon as fire heals this boss. You will need to cure a bit so it's a good idea just to have one character in your team devoted to healing everyone (preferably Vincent as he is strong with magic) so give him/her restore materia paired with an all materia. If you equip Enemy Skill you will learn trine.


You should be at level: 29

How: Poisen him at the start with Bio then keep using all your magic and summon spells. You shouldn't need to cure before the fool runs into a truck. His attacks are elemental so it would be useful to equip an accessory or armor that can absorb an element like bolt or ice.


You should be at level: 30

How: At this time you dont have any materia so all you can use is normal attacks and items. Use your strongest people (like barret) and keep using strong Items and attacks. And if you get a limit break use it.

Red Dragon:

You should be at level: 35

How: Put regen and haste on your party members. Poison the boss with your strongest Bio spell. Have someone cure your party every time its there turn and use your strongest summons and magic spells but don't use and summon, magic or item which uses fire as that cures the boss.

Demons Gate:

You should be at level: 36

How: You must have someone with a cure and an all materia paired together so the can cure every round. It's a good idea to cast haste and barrier on all your party members. To start of poisen him then use all your strong summon and magic spells with the other to party members who aren't healing every round. Use your limit breaks!

Jenova Life:

You should be at level: 38

How: All of Jenova Life's attacks are water based so it is a bloody good idea to equip Cloud with the water ring you recently found. All summons work well. Dont use and type of water magic spells as he will be healed. He might use a reflect spell, if he does then dont use any offensive magic spells as they will reflect back to you. Use De Barrier to get rid of Jenova's wall. It probably isn't worth casting haste and regen on your party members just cure as needed. If you equip enemy skill you will learn aqualung.

This is the end of Disk one

Disk 2


You should be at level: 40

How: Schizo is made of two parts, one is made of Ice and one is made of Fire so naturally use ice against the side made of fire and fire against the side made of ice. It's a good idea to use regen on your party members and cure as needed. Use summons except for fire and ice ones. Also use strong magic spells.

Jenova Death:

You should be at level: 41

How: Cast haste and wall on your team and put slow on Jenova. Make sure someone has ensuna incase Jenova puts silence on one of your members. Use your summon spells (your new Neo Bahamut will do rather well) and you Limit breaks. Cure will be needed a fair bit and if Sephiroth puts Barrier up don't use any offensive magic spells as they will come back at you. You might want to equip revive materia or pack a couple of phoniex downs as one of your party members will probably perish.

Train Boss #1/Gas Ducter:

You should be at level: 42

How: Just use your comet magic.

Train Boss #2/2 Gas Ducters:

You should be at level: 42

How: Just use comet again

Train Boss #3/Wolfmeister:

You should be at level: 42

How: If you learned Aqualung from Jenova Death use that but if you didn't, use Leviathan summon.

Train Boss #4/Eagle Gun:

You should be at level: 42

How: Use your strongest Bolt spells.

Ultima Weapon:

You should be at level: 45

How: Summons should do it. Just keep using them from strongest to weakest. Then if he is still alive move onto magic. Cure as needed

Carry Armour:

You should be at level: 47

How: Cast Haste on your party and Slow on the enemy. Bolt spells work well but poison does not work at all. Use your most powerful summons and magic. If he picks one of your members up attack the arm which is holding your team member. If all members are being held it's game over. You might have to restart the fight a couple of times but you should probably kill him on the first go.

Reno and Rude:

You should be at level: 48

How: Cast haste on your team and slow on your enemies. Poison them then use your strongest summon spells followed by your strongest magic spells. Equip Esuna as they can make you confused. If you have a ribbon make use of it. Cure as needed.

Rude of the Turks:

You should be at level: 48

How: This boss should not prove much of a challenge. Just use your strong summons and he will go running off.

Diamond Weapon:

You should be at level: 50

How: The best way to kill Diamond Weapon is by going all out. Use your strongest summons then your strongest magic spells. Cast haste and wall on your party. Cure as needed.

Reno, Rude and Elena of the Turks:

You should be at level: 51

How: This is an optional fight but it is worth it. The best way again is to keep using summons. Some of them can be cured by elemental attacks so if your planning to use magic a good choice is Bio.

Proud Clod:

You should be at level: 52

How: Some one should cure every round. Cast haste, regen and wall on your team. Put slow on Proud Clod. Bolt works well but bio doesnt work at all. Summons work well.

Hojo (3 forms):

You should be at level: 53

How: Hojo comes in three forms directly after each other so you can't heal yourself after each battle so save some summons for the his last form. Just use your strongest magic and a summon or two for his first two forms and use your summons for his last form. This boss might require an elixir or two to beat.

This is the end of Disk two

Disk 3

Jenova Synthesis:

You should be at level: 60

How: Cast Regen, haste and wall on your party members use your strongest summons and magic spells. Cure every round.

Bizarro Sephiroth:

You should be at level: 60-65

Safer Sephiroth:

You should be at level: 65

And then the final Battle.