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You Know You've Played Too Much FF7 When....

-You make a crown and cape for your black beany cat

-You dress up as any of the characters for halloween

-when you get angry at someone you wonder when your limit gauge will fill up

-You look for Materia on the beach

-You emulate any character's hairstyle

-you emulate Cloud's hairstyle

-when you have FF7 dreams!.

-When you start quoting FFVII lines all the time.

-When you're sweeping and you break the broom performing 'Braver' on a brick wall.

-When you start asking people how much HP they have.

-You throw a party ever time you level up

-You look for Materia slots on work gloves, mops, umbrellas, base ball bats, your pets...

-You write love letters to Yuffie

-You wonder what your dog's and Red XIII's children will look like

-You go to the fair and ask to ride the Chocobo

-You practise the characters' victory poses, spell gestures and limit breaks.

-You have these small colored stones and call them materia.

-you've memorized every single line out of the game and decide to make a one-man performance of it outside your school

-you like cait sith

-you call your cat Nanaki

-you start feeding canaries greens so maybe you can catch one and ride it around

-you start smoking so you can try out cid's limit break

-The next time you get into a fight and get hit, you wonder briefly if you've learned your enemy's skill.

-You threaten to summon a monster on a group of people.

-You have a fear of huge corporations with any kind of reactor.

-You ask for lard in your tea.

-Every time you open a safe you brace yourself for when the monster comes out.

-The next tall dark person you meet you don't get angry in case he can change form (Vincent my god yes!)

-You set out to look for the masamune.

-You decide to become a geneticist so that you can clone the last ancient.

-You put your ear to the ground and think you are actually listening to the planet.

-You revere any of the characters as gods.

-Every time you pass by a body of water you look down to see if you can spot Aeris's body.

-You talk to a farmer about breeding chocobos.

-You find yourself humming boss fight music in the shower.

-You relate characters in all the movies you've seen to FFVII people.

-You occasionally call your friends Aeris or Cloud instead of their real names.

-You upset the downstairs neighboors trying to do Braver.

-You wonder how many greens it'll take to make put your bird at top intellignece.

-You ask the guy at Starbucks for a Guard Source each morning.

-When you go snowboarding, you keep a lookout for snow-mogs and floating balloons.

-you search bookshops for limit break manuals

-you start complaining that you have mako poisoning every time you get out of the bath

-you try to omnislash your mate with a stick

-You haven't gotten laid since 1997.

-You frantically search for silver hair dye and a quick hairgrowth remedy

-You attempt to slaughter your whole village and burn it to flames

-You walk around back and forth in the same spot looking for monsters to level up on.

-You convert your dollars into Gil

-You ask your parents if you can vacation at the Golden Saucer

-You constantly scan the sky for a glimpse of the Highwind

-You're scared of going to the desert, because you might run into Ruby Weapon

-You pray for holy after seeing a shooting star

-You dream about going to the Promised Land

-You've never seen a sword in a museum without saying "oh come on I bet that thing doesn't even have 4 materia slots"

-You stand on your head trying to make your hair go like Cloud's

-When the game revives Aeris just to get you stop trying.

-When you get a black marble and try to summon meteor!

-You try to revive Aeris 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times.

-You can't go underwater in your pool 'cuse a green glow is coming out of it.

-You look for a traveler that will accept a guidebook and give you an Underwater materia that let's you breath underwater.

-You freak out everyone with cloud's hairstyle on you head.

-You think your father is a wimp that left your mother during an attack on your village when you where a cub.

-You look for a crater at the North Pole so you can try to summon Meteor.

-When you drink, you have one for Aeris

-Rename yourself Cloud.

-Have to pay for your foot ball pads because you broke them in half, put little spikes on it, and tape it to your shoulder to look like Cloud.

-Dig 1,000 feet in the earth to help free holy.

-When you go to quicke mart and ask where they keep their Megalexars.

-Go to the North Pole to ask the Chocobo Mage about Chocobos

-Call information and ask for Nibelheim.

-Train your dog for the chocobo races.

-When they say there is no Nibelheim on the list you say Oh it must be still burnt down.

-You pick up a marble and try and use it as materia.

-When you are playing baseball, you do the victory dance with the bat when you hit a homerun

-You take martial arts classes to be like Tifa, but realize when you go too far that short shorts aren't meant for men.

-You go on a vacation to vegas and ask the attendants where the chocobo racing tracks are.

-You try destroying your furnace because you think it's sucking the planet of Mako.

-You put a clip on your dog, dye his fur red, call him RedXIII and go on adventures with him in your backyard which you always call the Ancient Forest.

-when you spend lots of time at the excavation site looking for some better Treasure.

-when you buy the PC version just to see if it is any different...

-when you keep reciting lines from FF7 in your sleep...

-when you set up a shop and call it "The Wall Market"...

-when you try to find Cloud in FF Tactics just because he was your favorite FF7 caracter...

-when you can't wait for Engriz because it has FF7 caracters in it..

-when u make dolls of all characters and put cotton balls in cat sith

-When ur at level 99 and have all masterd materia and 10 golden chocobos

-When u try to see what happens when u dont hit sephiroth in the last alst last abttle (mabe he wont die and the game will go on ?)

-You want to go to Costa del Sol for vacation.

-You have four or more full memory cards, saving every main point in the game.

-You tape the entire story and all of the FMV.

-You mistake Santa Claus for Bugenhagen (Ho Ho Ho).

-You mistake Mr. T for Barret.

-You look at a tiger and see if it has a tatoo.

-You look for item, weapon and materia shops when you are out.

-When you are outside, you look for weapon flying around in the sky.

-you pick up a long peice of card board and call it your buster sword.

-when you scratch yourself, you pick up a rock and attempt to cure yourself.

-you walk around all day fighting and killing anyone you see so you can save enough money to buy a lifetime pass to disney world which you call the golden saucer.

-you buy a bird and call it your chocobo.

-you buy a white stuffed teddy bear and call it Mog.

-your cat/dog even starts dreaming and acting like red 13, and at some point, they get the number "13" on them.

-you really beg your science teacher for a number tattoo when you failed your test.

-you keep calling your best friend Zack.

-you watch a movie, but mistake it for FF7.

-you build a big building and call it shinra headquarters, than try to take over the world in hopes of meeting cloud and his party.

-you can hear the cries of the planet.

-When you play tennis and think all the balls are materia and refuse to hit them

-And when you treat your racket like a hardedge

-And call the rest of your team Soldier first class

-And try your hardest to caste haste so you have an advantage on your opponent

-you call to your oppenent "hey you lazy behemoth lets get going"

-You look in the phonebook to see if theres anybody named cloud

-You buy a guidebook for the US and hope to find Kalm City so you can exchange it to the guy ther so you can get the underwater materia

-You put wings on your stuffed polar bear so it looks like Caith Sith

-You call the army and ask how many first class Slodier they have and how you tryout

-you put on too much hair spray trying to make you hair stay like Sephiroth

-When you call your teacher Don Corneo hehe

-When you dont call you friends by there names but by FFVII's names!

-When try to do ohmi punch to your friends

-When you collect marbles and try to summon things only to see your dog come to you

-When you walk in circles trying to level up

-When you listen to FFVII music al the time and humm it out every where!

-When you start to name Casino's Wutai, Gold sacuer ect.. (live in las vegas)

-When you dress up like a girl so you can get in a strip club

-you fantasies about being in the game as a secret charater

-You rewrite the script to incorporate Aeris's ressurection.

-You tend to goto sleep listening to the FFVII soundtrack

-You've written squaresoft and offered them donations if they will release a patch to allow ressurecting Aeris.

-You offer to code the patch

-You change the story line and bring a fictional character modeled after yourself into FFVII.

submitted by
-when u go on the internet and look for music videos and songs and listen to them 24/7.
-when you ask the doctor to replace your arm with a gun.
-when you go to a abandoned mansion and look for a body in hopefullness that it will be vincent.
-when you think all your enimes are to do with shinra
-when you get on a train thinking it will take you to a reactor and expect to see cloud and barret.
submitted by
-when u walk around a huge field hoping to find yuffie
submitted by dabassman12
- When you actually start to think y doesnt cloud get sum scuba gear and go down and get holy for gods sake? yuffie

- When u name ur penis ultima weapon

submitted by BizarreFreak747
- When you reinact Aeris's death on your best friend with a wooden spoon
- When you're afraid to take a shower, because you think Emerald Weapon may be in there
- When you try to use your science skills to create a genetic mutation, and name it Genova
submitted by
- U cut off ure arm and put a gatlin gun barrel on it
- when u ask a sword welder to make u the buster sword that cost 1000000000
submitted by Jesse
- U cut off ure arm and put a gatlin gun barrel on it
-When you look out you window to see if ulrimate weapon is flying around.
-When you are scared to go into the swimming pool because emerald weapon might be down there.
-When you get scared of ruby weapon when driving through anywhere that resembles a desert.
-You hum bossfight tunes when you are in the shower.
-You try out every suggested way of reviving Aeris

submitted by Carole
-when you mistake your mother for tiffa and look up her skirt.
submitted by Josh
-You talk to no women so barret will ask you on a date.
-You Ride on the freeway with a motercycle trying to hit police with a stick.
-When you get scared of ruby weapon when driving through anywhere that resembles a desert.
-You use a green marble to cast reflect on yourself then have people throw rocks at you.
-you drop every dead woman you see into a pond
submitted by
-When you feed little white birds hoping to get a Contain materia.
-When you get sick, you think you have Mako poisoning.
-You go to hospital and ask how many patients have Mako poisoning.
-You call your cell phone "PHS".
-You dye your hair orange and build a huge building and try to control the world. You also rename yourself "Rufus".
-You get scared on airplanes because you are afraid of being attacked by Ultimate Weapon.
-You think you will be attacked by anyone in a blue suit, thinking they're "Turks".
-You think all 16 year old girls want to steal stuff from you.
-When the army has a parade in your town, you dress up as a soldier and try to enter it.
-You do a special ceremony for your mayor/president/whatever.
-Everytime you win at pool or something, you mimic someone's victory pose.
-You call your dog Nanaki, your cat Cait Sith, and your fish Emerald Weapon.
-When you go into a bar with a pinball machine, you try to make it take you down to a secret hideout.
-You ask every scientist you see about the "Jenova Project".
-You think one of the pyramids in the Temple of the Ancients.
-You set up your own battle arena with dogs, cats, and other animals.
-When you see a frog, you try to make a Maiden's Kiss to cure it.
-When you see a huge Crater, you think the Promised Land is nearby.
-You call every airplane you board "The Highwind".
-You go north to search for the forgotten capital.
-You make your wife/girlfriend wear a pink dress and call her "Aeris".
-When you see soldiers, you expect to see men with spiky hair and large swords.
-You find a red rock and try to summon the Knights of the Round.
-When you see a cactus, you think it will get up and attack you.
-You use megaphones as weapons.
-When you go to work at a big office building, you climb into the bathroom vents to see if you can spy on your boss.
-You try to get a "Hero Drink" from a vending machine.
-You think a giant monster lives in the sewers.
-You think a strip club is owned by someone named Don Corneo.
submitted by Finalfantsyfan1
-When you start worshiping Sephiroth, wearing a dark cloak, and chanting Oh Lo..rr.d Sephiroth...Is near....
-When you vist your doctor and ask him to give you a tatoo with a number, like the one he gave sephiroth...
-When you jump out a sky-bound window with a long sword just to kill a unsuspecting innocint creature...
-When you turn evil and try to destroy everything because you start thinking life is meaningless.
-When your'e like me and collect every gif, mp3, jpg, divix, ROM and Theme file of Final Fantasy...
-When you cant play any other game but that, even if you have games that are way better on a later console....
-When your lifetime goal changes to a thief-ninja and you grow up and find a place to live named wutai.
-When you start gambleing at slot houses.
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