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• You spend a lot of time looking at the gray toolbars in both Windows and Internet Explorer and we know it gets a bit old, so here is a little hack to change it to whatever image you feel the need to change it to. But of course, it has to be a bitmap, or .BMP image, questions on that can be emailed, now onto the hack!
To install a customized Explorer background:
1. Open the Registry Editor: Hit the Start button, select Run, type "regedit" in the blank field and press Enter.
2. Open the directory folders to the following path (in the left window pane):
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar.
3. If the right window pane doesn't have an entry called "BackBitmap," right-click on an empty space in the right window pane and select to add a new string value and call it "BackBitmap."
4. Now double click on "BackBitmap" and type in the path of the bitmap image file you would like to use as the background (example: C:\windows\clouds.bmp).
5. Close the registry editor. You'll have to relaunch Windows or Internet Explorer to see the changes take effect.
You can experiment and try several until you find one you like.
Pretty neat huh? Yeh, thought so. Questions or comments can be emailed to

• If your sitting there, and a program kinda freezes, or just wont work, or is being a pain, just hit the following keys, CONTROL+ALT+DELETE (the delete key right under the insert key, to the right of the enter key). Hit all of those at once, a little window will come up, if any program says (Not Responding) next to it, click it, and hit END TASK. Then after a while, maybe a few seconds, all depends, another window will come up, saying are you sure you want to end this program etc... Just click END TASK again in that window. Just another tip from the webmaster of FROGGYonline!
Simple tip, but there are people that do not know about that little useful feature, you know how Windows is...

• To configure your startup programs, that startup when you start windows, go to START:RUN: and type in: MSCONFIG, click ok, and then click the STARTUP tab and you can edit your startup programs there.

• To get your IP address in Windows 98, Windows 98 2nd Edition, Windows Millennium, and I do not know for sure, Windows 2000, JUST TRY IT IN WINDOWS 2000 AND SEE IF IT WORKS, IF IT DOES EMAIL ME ABOUT IT. Now, to do so, go to START:RUN: and type in WINIPCFG, and hit ok, and it will show up. Also that shows up, will be your gateway IP and a bunch of other stuff.

• To reboot your computer faster, instead of rebooting the whole computer, you can just reboot Windows, not your whole computer by doing this: go to START:SHUTDOWN: click RESTART and when you hit ok, hold down the SHIFT KEY. And keep holding it down, until it says in the uppper left hand corner, Restarting Windows, or Windows is restarting... Something like that.

• YET ANOTHER TIP... IF YOUR COMPUTER OPERATES A BIT SLOW, IT COULD BE MANY REASONS, BUT ONE TIP MAY FIX THIS, A LITTLE THAT IS. DOING WHAT I AM TELLING YOU IS OVERCLOCKING YOUR COMPUTER, I MAY NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY OF THESE THINGS, AT ALL, OR ANYTHING ON THIS SITE. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Go into MY COMPUTER, then into CONTROL PANEL, then into SYSTEM, then click the PERFORMANCE tab, then click FILE SYSTEM, and in there, it says, TYPICAL ROLE OF THIS COMPUTER, set that under the selections to, NETWORK SERVER. Then hit ok, and ok again, then reboot your computer. You may not notice much of a change, if it works, if you want to, you can change it back to its origional setting the same way, except select DESKTOP COMPUTER instead of NETWORK SERVER.


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