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Welcome to the Blue Roan Horse Breeders home page.

This is what you navigation bar will look like on your site. If you would like to join this web ring, click the "Join Now" on the navigation bar.

Requirments = you must have at least 1 blue roan or roan colored horse used for breeding, any breed, mare or stallion. Your site contents must be safe viewing for all ages and must not promote any abuse of animals or hate of any kind.

If you don't have a web site and would like to join, your information will be added to this page. Just e-mail me with the information below.

Your farm/ranch name or your name
Your contact numbers
Your address & e-mail address
Any pictures you want displayed
A discription of your farm/ranch

Members without web pages below.

Breeders of Kentucky Mountain Saddle and Mountain Pleasure Saddle horses.
Standing the blue roan stallion
*Blue Steel*
Stud fee $300.
P.O. Box 1125
Campton, KY. 41301

Logo, animation and page content © Lazy Horse
Page design © Lazy Horse
2003-2004 All rights reserved
Unauthorized usage will be subject to legal action