Metal Gear Solid Central
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     In 1984 Hideo Kojima, creator of Policenauts and Zone of The Enders, had an idea that would change gaming history. Kojima wanted to create a game that would take more than just running around shooting everything in site. Kojima believed this type of game would lead to a quick Game Over. "Fighting and shooting alone do not make a game" according to Kojima. He was looking to make a type of game that would implore strategic thought and stealth.

     In 1985 Kojima's thoughts became reality when Metal Gear was Release on the Nintendo Entertainment System. Not only was Metal Gear the game of its type ever created, but also it pushed its Hardware to the limit. As with all Metal Gears to come. Metal Gear was the first game to include a full-length storyline. Full of twists and turns, in true Konami fashion. The only thing Kojima didn't know was the success Metal Gear would have over time. Several sequels have been made since Metal Gear and have all been top sellers. Click below to read our coverage of this amazing Metal Gear history.

Click Here To View Snake's First Mission

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    - Solid Snake
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