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Extra Stuff

In addition to clearing the demo as if it was a regular game, you can spend hours upon hours just having fun and exploring the extremely detailed environments on the ship Discovery. This section will describe and show you the things that you can do just to have fun.


Taking a Guard Hostage

If you KO a guard while in a full alert, and pick up the body and drag it, the other guards will cease firing on you. Beware, if the guard drops out of your grip, the other guards will begin to fire again.


Hiding a Guard in a Locker

Guards in MGS2 will notice dead and unconscious bodies. If they see a dead body they will sound an alert, while an unconscious corpse will be awakened. However, you can drag a guard to an open locker and stash them inside.


Guards and the Girly Posters

Inside the locker room, there are some babe posters inside the top left and lower right lockers. You can use these to distract the guards during a full alert. First open one of the poster lockers and then one normal locker (to hide in), and then go get the guard's attention.

Run back into the locker room and hide in the non-poster locker and the guards will be distracted by the poster and then eventually leave without searching the rest of the room.

Video: 12MB Quicktime


Fun with the Posters

Snake can have even more fun with the posters besides messing with the guards. If you lean up against a poster and use the button to tap against the wall you will get one of two different effects. If you have a gun equipped, you will hear a "boing" sound. If you do not have a gun equipped, a full alert will sound.

Video: 1.6MB Quicktime


Breaking the Lockers

One of the great things about the MGS2 demo is that it is a great stress reliever. A good example of this is that Snake can simply break stuff if he feels like it. That's where the lockers come in. If you punch and kick a locker enough, the door will break off and fall to the ground. In the case of the locked doors, they will simply fall into the locker.

Video: 6.3MB Quicktime


Bursting the Pipes

If you shoot either you M9 or USP at any of the pipes throughout the ship, steam will bellow out from them. This can be used to distract a guard for a second or create a diversion for security cameras.

Video: 4.8MB Quicktime


Metal Gear Ray Sighting

In the bar, you can find a picture of the Metal Gear Ray that was shown during the E3 trailer against the western wall near the sofas.


Breaking Bottles in the Bar

There are numerous things that you can do for fun in the bar, and one of them is breaking every single bottle and glass on the shelves. When you shoot a bottle it will break and the fluid will flow to the floor. You can also shoot the bottle multiple times so the pieces of glass get smaller and smaller.


Melting Ice

One of the coolest things in the bar area is you can actually watch ice melt. Yea, I know it sounds boring, but for a video game it is actually quite amazing.

Start by shooting the ice bucket so that the cubes are knocked out. Then sit back and watch them slowly melt. Cubes that are by themselves will melt the quickest, while those that are together will melt slower.

Video: 4.4MB Quicktime


Knocking out a Guard's Radio

There is one way that you can mess with a guard and they will be unable to call for help. If you shoot their radio (attached to the back of their belt), it will spark and become useless. Then when the guard sees you he will not be able to call for help, however he will run for help.

Video: 1.8MB Quicktime


Disabling a Security Camera

One of the many things that you could not do in the original MGS, but can do here in the sequel, is shooting a Security Camera with your gun. If you fire off one shot, the camera will cease working through a shower of smoke and sparks.

Video: 621k Quicktime


Snake playing with"Solid Snake"

Snake can be caught, ah, "choking his chicken" early in the demo. To see this disturbing scene, simply open one of the lockers with the babe poster. Then look at the picture in the first person view, and then call Otacon on your codec.

Video: 3.6MB Quicktime


Snake be trippin'

A funny thing to do is run toward a set of stairs and then hit the button that would normally make you roll. Instead, Snake will trip and tumble up the stairs.

Video: 943k Quicktime


Kissing the posters

In addition to pleasing himself with the posters, Snake can also kiss them. To do this, simply close yourself in a locker and then look at the poster with the R1 button.

Video: 1.42MB Quicktime


On your tip toes

Snake can stand on his tip toes to get a view of objects or enemies that are out of his field of vision. To do this, look towards an object or ledge with the R1 button, and then press L2+R2.

Video: 305k Quicktime


Disturbing Guard Torture

MGS2 is so free form that you can do virtually anything you want, including torturing guards until they die. By surprising a guard by pulling out your gun closely to them (going up to them from the back works very well) they will put up their hands and begin to get scared. The engine in MGS2 allows pin-point accuracy to where you can hit an enemy, meaning that if you shoot them in their gun-hand they will have to retreat until they can heal the wound.

In the video below, you will see how you can shoot out each hand and leg one at a time.

Video: 5MB Quicktime


Breaking Glass

The large pane of glass that is in the bar can be shattered a couple different ways. You can either use your M9 or USP to shoot it, and it will usually take six to nine shots to destroy. The other way is to toss some sort of grenade near it, and it will be shattered due to the shockwaves of the explosion.

Video: 3.9MB Quicktime


Lights out

In addition to the glass, Snake can also shoot out lights, which affects the lighting of that area. You are able to shoot the lanterns on the deck of the ship, as well as the small lights in some of the tunnels inside the ship. See the video below for an example of the small lights inside the ship that can be turned off.

Video: 1.4MB Quicktime


Kitchen Fun

Inside the kitchen, there are a couple of fun things that you can do. Behind the stove, you can shatter the fine china plates that are on the shelf above, shoot the pots and ladles to make "ding" sounds, as well as shoot the napkins and bottles that are on the tables. See the video below to see all of these things get shot.

Video: 7MB Quicktime


Fire Extinguishers

Each of the fire extinguishers that are positioned throughout the ship can be shot which results in them discharging a spray of foam. These can be used to cloak your passage by a Camera, as well as distracting guards.


The Storeroom

One of the most famous scenes in the original E3 trailer was the footage of Snake doing battle in a storeroom while shattering bottles and fruit. This storeroom is in the demo (use the walkthrough for it's exact location), and you can have a lot of fun in here.

If you shoot the closed boxes on the shelves, they will open and round melons will pour out. By shooting the flour sacks, white powder will fill the air, while the bottles and green melons can be shot and shattered. The video below shows you all these things in detail.

Video: 9MB Quicktime


Battle With Olga

During the boss fight of the demo, there are a couple cool things you can do. By shooting the two fasteners at the bottom corners of the tarp, you can cause it to fly away. You can also shoot out the large spotlight using your USP. Then, if Snake tries to chicken out by hanging over the edge of the ship, Olga will come and fire at him over the railing.

With all of those cool extra things in the demo, you can turn into what normally be a very short gaming experience into hours upon hours of excellent gameplay!

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