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Questions & Answers: 10/6/01

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felipe hernandez 10/6/01 5:27 PM USA
i was watching the e3 2001 trailer that i downloaded from your great website and i thought i saw snake drown and what i think i am saying that snake does die so do you have a hunch that he does die well tell me if he does and look at the trailer one more time to see what i mean
Metal Gear Solid Central Staff
He is still alive in that scene. That scene happens when the ship gets ripped apart by the Metal Gear Ray because the ship is only a part of the finally game. We have also heard rumors that you fight a boss underwater. Thats all we know.

Malice 10/6/01 12:38 PM UK
In the nine minute trailer thingy near the end it says "This is my son i tought him everything" and then the ninja appears......hhhmmmmm. Do you know who is saying it ?
Metal Gear Solid Central Staff
We don't know who says it but we think it could only be Big Boss. But we don't know.

Chris Medler 10/6/01 10:19 AM USA
hi i have a 2 questions.Is mgs2 gonna have the voices in english and do u think snake is gonna die becuase i say that becuase he nevered died from foxdie and also what do u think about that vampire guy?
Metal Gear Solid Central Staff
Yes it is going to be in English. We don't know if he dies from foxdie or even if he dies but since it hasn't effected him yet we dont think it will. The vampire guy is crazy.

Marco 10/6/01 3:12 AM Other
Will MGS be realesed to other consoles than PS2 like Gamecube or X-Box?
Metal Gear Solid Central Staff
It will be on X-box.

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